”Revs/Visions: November 27, 2015: (1) I saw Yahweh Elyon standing behind what appears to be the globe (the whole earth). I was made to understand in the vision that the earth is the Most High GOD chessboard. And what is happening in the world today, it is His game that is played out. It is the chess game that has been going on for a very long time. To truly understand what is going on in the world, we have to be able to see it through the eyes of our Eternal Father (Yahweh Elyon). To understand the essence of this global game, we must get to know or plug into Yahweh Elyon Yeshua, so that He can explain it to us.” (JW/TNDL)
(2) “I saw myself climbing a very high and steep mountain. It was explained to me that getting to know Yahweh Elyon and follow His ways is like climbing a very high mountain. At times, it is disheartening and scary, but we must keep going.” (JW/TNDL)

