“February 17, 2015: Here is a rev/vision that I am sharing with you, nations of the world, about all the Israelite Jewish followers of Yeshua their Saviour, Cleanser, Redeemer and strong Deliverer, the Most High (Elyon Yeshua, His right hand). He will visit them and provide security for them wherever they are. Be not afraid, Yeshua, the resurrected One is with you in his SPIRIT form, to help you. Read Psalm 91 and Psalm 23. Yeshua, the Son of man, will never forsake you. Make your gatherings in prayer as you are doing, and continue to pray and encourage each other everywhere you are among the nations of the world.

Yeshua (right hand of Elyon, our eternal Abba Father) is now a living Spirit; he will come to you and dine with you, just as he did two thousand years ago, after he was resurrected/transformed into the higher state of being.”

