J. K. Woods
Yahweh Elyon Yeshua’s Teachings 
1 min readAug 2, 2016


TNDL: “With regards to the tribe of Judah, their God, El Shaddai (who is known to be the Almighty) he is calling the tribe of Judah to return unto him, their God. Then, he shall go and fight for them like in ancient times when they were obedient to him and his prophets, priest, and kings.”
“June 20, 2015: I saw and heard that Jews (Judah that are all over the nations of the world) shall be hated by many people and persecuted. This event is referred to as, ‘Jacob’s Trouble.’ For you to be saved Judah, you must accept your true and only Saviour, YESHUA (the Israelite/the house of Judah and the house of Israel the northern kingdom) as their true Messiah/Christ. El Elyon Yeshua, through his amazing fullness of Grace and Truth, shall save them when they come to him and embrace his full truth.
This will happen when his Mighty Holy Ghost/Spirit is poured out without measure on his church in these end times. Isaiah 32. Much agape love to El Elyon Yeshua’s true Church.” (TNDL)
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