Yala Permissions powerup: here’s how it works.

Yoav Anaki
Nurse Yala is here to help
2 min readJun 26, 2017

Permissions is Yala’s first powerup. It lets you determine who should have direct access to manage your social media feeds, and who needs their hand held when they want to publish a post.

It’s great for Slack teams where some team members don’t need full access to your social media, but others want to collaborate and publish with Yala.

Once you enable Permissions, Yala will ask you to assign team permissions. Each team member can have one of three roles:

Contributors 👩👱

Everybody on your team are automatically made contributors. Contributors can compose post suggestions and submit them for review, but they can’t add suggestions to your queue or publish them directly.


Editors can publish posts directly or add them to the queue. They can reorganize your queue and erase upcoming posts. Most importantly, editors are responsible for accepting or declining posts submitted by your team’s contributors.


Admins are your team’s supermen and superwomen — they can do anything mentioned above, as well as add or remove accounts and appoint other admins or editors. The person who intially installed Yala in your team is automatically made an admin.

When a contributor sends a post to Yala, she’ll send a message to your admins and editors that looks like this:

Your team’s admins and editors can then determine whether to publish that post or decline it. Contributors can’t publish posts directly to your social media feeds.

Yala’s Permissions powerup helps you stay on top of social media in Slack.

Need help? Contact us.



Yoav Anaki
Nurse Yala is here to help

Startup investor, consultant and founder. Father of twins. All in all, a rather curious guy.