A Deep Dive into Yala’s Collateral and Insurance Strategies

Jordy de Koning
Published in
6 min readApr 11, 2024

This article delves into the strategies behind the $YU stablecoin, particularly focusing on over-collateralization and restaking.

We’ll explore the journey of two users: Alice, who opts for straightforward BTC over-collateralization, and Bob, who ventures into the more intricate terrain of over-collateralization coupled with Babylon restaking. By examining these scenarios, we aim to shed light on how Yala not only maintains the peg of the $YU stablecoin but also safeguards assets used as collateral.

In a world where digital assets can fluctuate wildly within minutes, Yala’s approach offers a compelling narrative of stability and security. This is achieved through a combination of robust collateralization, strategic restaking, and an integrated insurance module tailored for the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Join us as we unravel the layers of Yala’s stability mechanisms and their broader implications for users and the crypto ecosystem at large.

Understanding Over-collateralization

Let’s break down this process to understand how $YU comes into existence and functions across various blockchain ecosystems.

$YU is minted through over-collateralization, a process where users deposit more Bitcoin (or UTXO based assets) as collateral than the value of $YU they wish to create. This extra collateral acts as a buffer, maintaining the stablecoin’s value even when market fluctuations occur.

Alice her Journey with Simple BTC Over-collateralization

Let’s illustrate this with Alice’s experience. Alice decides to mint $YU and, to do so, she locks up her Bitcoin as collateral. However, she doesn’t just lock up an amount of Bitcoin equivalent to the $YU she wants to mint. Instead, she deposits more Bitcoin than the $YU’s worth — this is over-collateralization. For instance, if Alice wants to mint 75 $YU, she might need to deposit Bitcoin worth 100 $YU to account for potential market volatility.

This extra cushion of value helps protect the $YU stablecoin’s integrity. Should the price of Bitcoin drop, the additional collateral ensures that the $YU can maintain its peg to the dollar, as there are extra assets in reserve to back its value.

The Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio will be set by the Yala Foundation (let’s take 75% to illustrate it). In the future, this decision-making will shift to the DAO, allowing $Yala token holders to have a say in setting the LTV ratio, making the process more community-focused and transparent.

The concept of over-collateralization ensures that there’s always more than enough collateral to back the $YU stablecoin, Yala provides a stable and reliable digital asset that users like Alice can trust, even in the face of crypto market volatility.

Alice’s Bitcoin over-collateralization to mint $YU

Advanced Stability Strategies

While Alice’s journey with simple BTC over-collateralization provides a foundational understanding, Bob’s experience introduces an additional layer of engagement through restaking, which incorporates an element of risk and reward into the stability equation.

Bob: Navigating Over-collateralization and Restaking

Bob opts for a similar path as Alice by over-collateralizing BTC to mint $YU. However, Bob takes it a step further by engaging in Babylon restaking. This process involves staking a portion of their collateralized BTC in DeFi protocols to earn yields. While this can increase Bob’s potential returns, it also introduces a new layer of risk, particularly the risk of slashing if the staked BTC is penalized in the DeFi protocol.

To mitigate these risks and maintain the stability of the $YU stablecoin, Yala implements specific measures:

Adjusted Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratios: Given the added risk from restaking, Yala assigns a lower LTV ratio for Bob. For example, if Alice, with no restaking, receives an LTV of 75%, Bob might receive an LTV of 60%. This adjustment reflects the potential for part of the BTC to be affected by slashing, ensuring that the collateral’s value remains robust enough to support the minted $YU stablecoins.

Yala’s Takaful Insurance Module: Recognizing the unique challenges of the Bitcoin ecosystem, Yala integrates an insurance module alongside the MakerDAO framework. This module is designed to shield users from the inherent price volatility of Bitcoin and the additional risks from engaging in higher-risk activities like Babylon restaking. Bob will be required to purchase insurance to safeguard him against potential liquidation events. This insurance acts as a safety net, protecting Bob’s collateralized BTC from sudden market downturns or issues arising from the restaking activities.

Bob’s Bitcoin over-collateralization and restaking on Babylonchain

Comprehensive Stability Mechanisms

Yala doesn’t just rely on user-specific strategies like over-collateralization and restaking to maintain the stability of the $YU stablecoin. The platform employs a broader set of mechanisms to ensure that the peg to the USD remains consistent, thereby preserving user trust and the stablecoin’s value.

Automatic Stabilizer

One of Yala’s key features is its automatic stabilizer mechanism, designed to respond adeptly to market dynamics. This system monitors the $YU stablecoin’s value against the USD continuously. In scenarios where market fluctuations threaten the stablecoin’s peg, the automatic stabilizer kicks in, using surplus and debt auctions to adjust $YU’s supply. This proactive approach helps in dampening the impact of market volatility, ensuring that the stablecoin’s value remains anchored to the USD.

Yala Foundation and Governance

Yala’s stability mechanism is governed by the Yala Foundation, which is steered by $Yala token holders. This governance structure plays a crucial role in setting critical financial parameters, such as interest rates and liquidation thresholds, which directly influence the $YU stablecoin’s stability. The community’s involvement ensures that the decisions reflect a collective commitment to maintaining the peg and the ecosystem’s health, with an eye on long-term sustainability.

Liquidation Mechanisms and Insurance

Understanding the potential for volatility in the Bitcoin market, Yala has instituted detailed liquidation procedures and an innovative insurance model. These systems are designed to manage the risk associated with dropping collateral values. If the market takes a downturn, these mechanisms ensure that the positions are liquidated in an orderly manner, minimizing losses and protecting the stablecoin’s peg.

Adopting the Takaful Insurance Model

Yala has integrated the Takaful insurance model within its framework. This model, inspired by mutual sharing and cooperation, aligns with the decentralized ethos of the blockchain space. It’s designed to provide a layer of protection to participants, distributing risks and offering a communal safety net.


That concludes our deep dive into the stability mechanisms of Yala’s $YU stablecoin, particularly focusing on the roles of over-collateralization and insurance. Through this exploration, we hope you’ve gained insight into the critical importance of these strategies in ensuring the stablecoin’s value, which in turn bolsters the reliability and growth of the Bitcoin DeFi ecosystem.

To stay updated on the progress, feel free to follow our developments on GitHub.

Keep an eye on Yala as we keep pushing the boundaries of innovation and shaping the DeFi space’s future.

About Yala

Yala connects Bitcoin liquidity with a meta yield stablecoin. Designed as both a potent asset and a liquidity enhancer, the stablecoin, YU, operates across various ecosystems, increasing efficiency without the need for bridges or relocating the underlying Bitcoin. Yala empowers Bitcoin holders and ecosystem participants with expanded utility, all while maintaining the security of Bitcoin’s infrastructure.

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Jordy de Koning
Editor for

I’m a Blockchain developer — I’ll write about my work, what problems I’ll face, the solutions to those problems and tips & tricks