Yeti Valley: Welcome to the Super Yeti Program

Create, Lead & Amplify

3 min readJun 4, 2024


Super Yetis are the most prestigious addition to our Yeti Valley community program. Designed for those who share our vision and possess the influence and expertise to guide our community towards unprecedented growth and innovation, this tier represents a pinnacle of collaboration and advancement within Yala.

As we expand Yeti Valley, Yala is committed to identifying and partnering with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), whom we proudly refer to as Super Yetis.

Who We Are Looking For

We are on the hunt for visionary leaders who can leverage their platforms to amplify Yala’s message, engage a broader audience, and shape the future of DeFi.

If you have a robust network and a passion for DeFi, read on to discover how you can become an invaluable asset as a Super Yeti.

Ideal candidates will excel in:

Community Outreach

Enhance Yala’s presence by engaging with diverse audiences across various platforms. Engage in meaningful dialogues with our community to further our mission and outreach.

Content Creation and Marketing Support

  1. Create at least 1–3 high-quality content pieces monthly, focusing on Yala’s mission and advancements.
  2. Lead at least one significant event each month, such as a Twitter Space, AMA, or YouTube interview, showcasing Yala’s initiatives and industry trends.
  3. Extend the reach of this content through your network and influencer partnerships.
  4. Amplify Yala’s outreach by promoting key events and product launches through your media channels.
  5. Contribute creatively to campaign designs and promotional strategies that resonate with both new and existing followers.

Constructive Feedback

Provide critical insights that shape our projects’ direction and development, ensuring alignment with community needs and advancing our objectives.

Assess the impact of your efforts by analyzing engagement metrics and growth data. Share insights with the Yala team to refine future strategies.

Business and Partnership Development

Identify and establish strategic partnerships and business opportunities that contribute to Yala’s growth and long-term goals.

Based on the points you have earned, you will be categorized into different levels, from V1 to V5, each linked to specific incentives.

Benefits of Being a Super Yeti

As a Super Yeti within the Yala community, you will enjoy numerous privileges and incentives designed to foster professional growth in Bitcoin DeFi and personal advancement.

Early Involvement

Play an active role in Yala’s foundational stages, helping to shape its core aspects. Your direct engagement will not only impact our evolution but also enhance your career trajectory.

Exclusive Access

Get early access to new features, participate in airdrops, receive whitelist privileges, and stay updated with the latest project developments. Enjoy exclusive merchandise crafted just for our Super Yetis.

Community Connection

Connect with like-minded individuals, including direct interactions with the core Yala team. As Yala grows, so too will your network, potentially increasing your follower base and expanding your influence.

Voice of Yala

Have a significant voice in guiding the project’s direction and seize opportunities to co-host premier events alongside Yala, establishing yourself as a leader within the community.

How to Join

To be a Yala Super Yeti and recognized officially, you should meet the following criteria:

  • Have more than 10,000 Twitter followers.
  • Maintain a vibrant community of over 5,000 members.
  • Demonstrate high engagement levels on Twitter and within community activities.
  • Receive endorsements from our core team members or partners will be a plus

We will send our invites to selected KOLs in the first round but feel free to recommend yourself or others!

Ready to contribute, lead, and innovate alongside Yala? Email and apply now! (Make sure you put the “Super Yeti Application” in your email subject!)

About Yala

Yala connects Bitcoin liquidity with a meta yield stablecoin. Designed as both a potent asset and a liquidity enhancer, the stablecoin, $YU, operates across various ecosystems, increasing efficiency without the need for bridges or relocating the underlying Bitcoin. Yala empowers Bitcoin holders and ecosystem participants with expanded utility, all while maintaining the security of Bitcoin’s infrastructure.

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Connecting Bitcoin liquidity with a meta yield stablecoin.