Yale Fishman NY: A local citizen initiative

Civil initiative is a form of direct expression of citizens in decision-making by bringing petitions before the state councils, the New York and neighboring states, like in New Jersey. Yale Fishman says that a civil initiative can occur as a civil initiative at the state and local level.

At the state level, Yale Fishman ESQ says that a civil can initiate a request for a change in the Constitution of the United States, proposing to introduce legislation calling for a referendum on the state level, while the citizens’ initiative at the local level can be filed for the drafting of a regulation of the state of New York and the neighboring states (like Jersey), to address certain issues within the competence of the state councils, the state of New York and the announcement of a referendum on a local level.

Civil initiative can be locally raised before the State Council of the state of New York and/and the neighboring states (again like the state of New Jersey). Yale M Fishman reminds that commonly the initiative (by suggestion) raises 100 citizens. The proposal to start a civil initiative must be presented locally to the President of the Council. The proposal should be submitted by the authorized nominator (first signatory of the motion for Civic Initiative) and refers to the question of which is competent to decide the State Council of the New York and the neighboring states in Jersey, finishes Yale M Fishman Attorney.

The President of the Council after receiving the proposed citizens’ initiative within three days will investigate whether the proposal is submitted by an authorized proposer and whether it concerns matters for which is competent to decide the council. Yale further explains if the presiding judge determines that the initiative is messy, when asked about the initiative, he must give the authorized proposer a strict agenda which must be completed up to 15 days, but until the next session of the council, explains Yale Fishman ESQ about the initiative. If the initiative is neat Council finds that the conclusion is correct.

The presiding judge shall inform the authorized initiator for the conclusion of the council within three days of its adoption.

The proposer shall civic initiative at the local level that is introduced to implement within one month of receipt of the notification of its orderliness. Citizens’ initiative at local level is considered raised if at least 10% of the population registered on the voter list for the state of New York and neighboring states with their own signatures backed the initiative.

Yale Fishman NY warns that if after verifying the signature of the authorized representative of the proposal; the form must be fulfilled with signatures of other citizens who support the proposal, within three days after it was approved by the judge.

The panel must decide within 30 days after receipt of the proposal. Yale Fishman Attorney from Yale Fishman Associates says that it is important that the council’s decision on the proposal to inform the citizens through the media, as determined by statute.



Yale Fishman
Yale M Fishman

Hello fellow twitter friend, I'm Yale Fishman and I'm a famous Adviser, and a former lawyer in Fishman LLC. My counseling techniques have been very efficient.