MasterClass Series: Are you ready??

YALI RLC Alumni Nigeria
Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2016

I see how parents pawn their children in other to fulfill their own wants and desires. Why should I be so? Are you ready to take the next step in your life??

It’s easy to talk about a bellanaija wedding which even happening despite the recession period. What’s the point of this wedding without knowing the true essence of marriage Not wedding

Be it arranged or love marriage. Can there be a grain of mutual respect, trust and good communication tones in it.

I love this song of Wale and usher call matrimony..Am sure some of us know the song,its said that :”Marriage is jumping from your planet to another planet”..Who’s ready to let go of ego,pride,lifestyle and move elsewhere that the former lifestyle is null and void

Heard people say love is this love is that and wondered that “is love the only ingredient in the pot of marriage soup?? The soup itself needs lots of ingredients that will make it tasty,yummy,not too salty,just perfect..I stir He stirs,I buy the ingredients we cooler together

Getting the right and key ingredients is key in other to see the position of where the soup is whether it’s ready or not..It’s not about selecting the ingredients alone but be specific on what’s needed despite having many ingredients..

Are we ready isn’t for you who is like highly emotional to get the clues and lists but it’s about innovative,secret family ingredients,openmindness,tolerant,gisting,collaborative efforts

People ask me if it’s right to marry your childhood friend and ask if it’s a wall they want to go to the market with or a friend who will steer the pot properly to get the perfect imperfect soup.

Life is all about give and take same with relationship changing levels to a soup that you can’t finish at a go but you can be fulfilled, contented and have patience..I see people going to banks to take loan for marriage which leads to the pot breaking or cracked. maybe there should be soft marriage loans then.

It’s not key to be ready to make this soup now when you aren’t ready to buy the key ingredients for it. Are we truly ready to take the next step with me despite my flaws and character to make us having a compact beautiful and tasty pot of soup.

Comment :

A poetic Masterclass indeed.

Reply :

Awww…Am actually one and thanks…Good job..#letsmakeastreetchildsmiletoday


Talking about flaws and character. If he/she has a flaw that can potentially ruin the marriage if he/she doesn’t change but you like him/her. What do I do?


In my religion, there are four criteria to marry but some one of character and have a sense of religion is the best to marry because other things like wealth, beauty, family name will fade away but religion will last. Try to have a talk, if he or she doesn’t change and know that it’s disastrous for the pot of soup you want to make. Walk away.This is one of the myths that he or she will change leads sometimes to discourse and the pot starts to crack

Comment to answer:

Good presentation. … Sorry I came late but permit me to point this out …. I don’t think Religion sustains love or marriage as you claimed but rather Love. I was in Kano recently and was surprised the rate at which men divorced women in the state, the Governor assembled divorced women from all the LG and the number was alarming, the men on the ground of religion divorce at will and get new fresh wife…. I have see people of two different religion who are happily married and live for ages.. … Though religion have a role to play but LOVE supercede.

Comment to Answer:

Good Afternoon.

Saying “Look at religion” is not a literal statement. This is because there are many who claim to be God conscious yet are found with horrible characters. You are not expected to grab a lady on the street and marry her just because she is of the same religion as yours or vice versa. Rather, what is expected is that you marry someone who displays the high standard of character that religion enjoins.

So the statement goes thus

“A woman is married for these things: her wealth, her beauty, her heritage, her religion. Chose the religious one or may your hands be rubbed in dust”

Hands rubbed in dust is an Arab way of indicating a form a loss.

The wisdom behind it is that if you are caught in a dilemma, two women whom you like and you don’t know who to chose, it is better that you don’t chose based on beauty of wealth or heritage because this will go away eventually rather you chose the one who’s more pious.

Of course Love plays an important role too. You better love her or him before saying “I do” , but love alone doesn’t sustain any marriage

Originally published at on December 26, 2016.



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