YAM Classic: The Farming Continues

Yam Finance Classic
Yam Finance Classic
2 min readAug 17, 2020

The Protocol

YAM Classic is an unofficial fork of the popular DeFi protocol yam.finance. For those who are familiar with YAM 1.0, you already know how this works. However, there are few changes made to YAM Classic to make this work smoothly.

Changes From YAM 1.0

  1. The rebase bug that crippled YAM 1.0 has been fixed.
  2. The original YAM 1.0 token is added as a staking asset, and can be used to farm YAM Classic. This allows YAM 1.0 holders to easily farm YAM Classic without having to sell their yams.
  3. yCRV is added as a staking asset for more stabilized farming
  4. Protocol token farming (e.g COMP, SNX, AMPL, etc) has been removed, and only YAM 1.0, yCRV, and WETH will be used as the initial staking assets.

The Details

Important Addresses:

Telegram: https://t.me/yamclassic

GitHub: https://github.com/Yam-Finance-Classic/yam-protocol

Twitter: @YamFiClassic

Hosted Interface: https://yamclassic.finance

Initial Protocol Parameters

Total Supply: 1,700,000 YAM2 (Note: This and all other YAM2 figures are subject to change via rebase)

Rebase Period: Every 12 hours (8am UTC, 8pm UTC) — Initial rebase to occur roughly ~1–2 hours after the beginning of Wave 2 Distribution

Portion of Rebase Used for Reserve: 10%

Asset Contributed to Reserve on Rebase: yCRV

YAM Threshold to Submit Governance Proposal: 1% of Total Supply

Quorum for Governance Proposals: 4% of Total Supply

Proposal Voting Period: 48 hours

Queue After Successful Proposal: 24 hours

Wave 1 Distribution

Pools: 3(YAM 1.0, YCRV, and WETH)

Distribution Amount: 300,000 YAM2 (100,000 YAM2 per pool)

Distribution Period: 7 days

Launch: 12:00am UTC, August 17th, 2020

Wave 2 Distribution

Pools: 1 (YAM2/yCRV Uniswap v2 LP)

Distribution Amount: 1,400,000 YAM

Distribution Period: 700,000 YAM2 in 1st week, decreasing by 50% each week

Launch: 12:00am UTC, August 18th, 2020


Again, continuing with yam’s traditional, this code has not been audited by a professional auditor, through no change has been made from yam’s code aside from the rebase bug fix. Please proceed with caution and tread lightly.



Yam Finance Classic
Yam Finance Classic

The classic YAM Finance you know and love, with the bugs and tears 🍠🍠