Handling generic Http errors across your Android app

Using Otto and Retrofit to log out users when receiving 401 error responses from the API

Miguel Juárez López
Yammer Engineering
3 min readApr 25, 2014


I was recently working on an Android project where we needed to log out the current user whenever you encountered a 401 Unauthorized HTTP response from our API.

I am a fan of all the Android libraries from square, so for this post I’ll be using the REST client Retrofit in combination with the event bus Otto to achieve a centralized elegant way to do this.

Although all this should have been pretty straightforward there are a couple of gotchas to be aware of, mostly regarding Otto limitations so let’s get to it!

0. Create an event object for Otto

The way Otto works is by creating a contract between publishers and subscribers based on the type of the object used as a parameter. In this case we will use the HttpUnauthorizedEvent object to signal that a 401 error has happened in our application.

An instance of any class may be published on the bus and it will only be dispatched to subscribers for that type.

1. Create a custom ErrorHandler for Retrofit and post events for intercepted 401 errors using Otto event bus from there

One thing to notice is that we’re making sure we’re posting in the UI thread, this is mainly for two reasons:

By default, all interaction with an instance is confined to the main thread.

  1. If you try to post from a different thread Otto will throw an exception.
  2. We actually want to react to these errors in the UI thread, which is where we will be logging out the user (e.g. in an Activity).

2. Configure the CustomErrorHandler to be used by Retrofit RestAdapter

3. Subscribe for errors on a inner-class of your (base) Activity

For my specific case I wanted to put the subscription and log-out logic in a base Activity from which all my app Activities were inheriting. This is currently impossible given that Otto doesn’t support subscribing on base classes.

Otto will not traverse the class hierarchy and add methods from base classes or interfaces that are annotated. This is an explicit design decision to improve performance of the library as well as keep your code simple and unambiguous.

As a workaround you can put your @Subscribe method on your base Activity’s nested class and it will work as a charm.

If there’s enough interest I can work out a simple code example and share it here.

Happy coding!

