Digital Footprint Could Decide Your Future.

Social Sites Can Soon Decide A Candidate’s Fate.

Yap Café™
3 min readNov 5, 2021


Technology foot prints employer verification job social media new detectives Information Security Management Sysytem ISO 27001:2013 bank accounts, criminal files, drug abuse, critical illnesses, vaccinations, past employment background data, and social media for more psychographic facts about you
Daniel Cheung Unsplash

I guess I possess the spirit of a prehistoric hunter. I love comparing all my examples with either individuals or tribes of prehistoric times. I am just in awe of how the species has evolved.

Tracking cattle in prehistoric times for meat and domesticating was a very scientific process. The study of impressions was evolved. Hunters could precisely know where the animals were by looking at the herd’s footprints. They could gauge the size, health, direction and how far the pack was. However, mother nature could wipe out these tracks in an instant. Thunderstorms, flash floods, landslide earthquakes, etc…

Much hasn’t changed. The only change is that now we are the herd. And we are being tracked digitally, and all our online actions are recorded. We subconsciously create a sketch of ourselves on the online digital canvas. Unfortunately, we or mother nature can not wipe out these digital footprints. Even if we want, we can not. They are there to tell our story.

Every day we witness criminal cases being resolved with the support of these digital footprints — both in real and reel life. However, we choose to consider ourselves protected by some divine prover and carelessly manage our online digital presence. Scarry, yea, it is. What is to come may take the wind off your sial.

Information is the new oil to run organisations. Organisations now need to be very careful protecting existing and tobe created information. Studies have revealed that as high as ninety per cent or more Information breaches are errors done by humans. Humans are the weakest link.

It gets even severe when more than fifty per cent of employees opt to work from home in the new-age work culture. Now it’s an Information security nightmare. Organisations now need to rely on their employee’s to be responsible, trustworthy, ethical and careful. But how much do the organisation know about their current and future employees? Not much, as the previous rustic physical verification provided minimal or no information except document verification and some background checks, and even that information is dated.

What’s the solution?

I strongly related to a YouTube video; a girl was declined a prestigious job offer basis objectionable posts on her Facebook account. As per physiological experts, she lacked seriousness and responsibility.

Digital verification can provide vital information. First of all, It is faster, cheaper, and much more reliable. At least it eliminates the human element to some extent. While it can be tricky, it sure is based on online facts.

These Digital verification tools scan bank accounts, criminal files, drug abuse, critical illnesses, vaccinations, past employment background data, and social media for psychographic profiling of the candidate.

Well, possibly, the future employer may know more about the recruit than anyone else.

However, all is not lost. There is hope. Tools that optimise social media and online profiles are now available (effectiveness yet to be verified). So don’t let your past influence your future.

Be responsible online and offline both. The difference isn’t much.

Welcome to the new normal; life is now more like what was once science fiction.



Yap Café™

How can I Pigeonhole my writing to a Genre? When Life’s Chapters have given such varied learnings.