“Wearing multiple hats keeps life from getting boring…” On the Record with Nisa Amoils, Forbes Women

Sophie Parker
YAP Global
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2020

Welcome back to ‘On The Record’ with YAP Global. A series where we speak to the journalists and leading figures in the digital asset, fintech, blockchain and cryptocurrency industry.

This week we caught up with Nisa Amoils, a woman who wears many hats as a Forbes contributor, author, VC and lawyer.

Nisa has been an investor in tech and venture for the last decade, Nisa’s expertise spans AR/VR, robotics, drones, AI, autonomous mobility, cybersecurity, blockchain and other disruptive technologies.

During our conversation, Nisa tells us of her unconventional entry into the blockchain industry, why getting more women involved in the space is essential and how hats are a physical and metaphorical tool to multitasking successfully.

Tell us about your background and how you started writing for Forbes?

“I have a media background so I was a frequent guest on the networks and was always being asked for quotes. So I just started writing about my findings for Forbes and then the audience just grew. Now I host the Coinscrum show which is a great way to educate people about the positives happening in the industry.”

What advice would you give to a young person starting their career and wanting to achieve what you have as a VC, a Lawyer and a Forbes contributor?

“Don’t be afraid to take risks and always be learning! As a VC, my job is to see the future as best I can. As a securities attorney, it is understanding regulatory and risk management. I knew that ICO’s had issues but I was investing adjacently since 2012. I invested early in crypto, and in exchanges and crowdfunding in 2014 and 2015 at Scout.

I was also investing in AI, robotics, IOT and the convergence of all of these with blockchain led me down the rabbit hole.”

You wear many hats as a writer, VC and lawyer, what is the best part about doing what you do?

“The diversity of the hats! I wear hats everyday in real life and change them up, this is a metaphorical and practical tool for the different roles I take on. The variety keeps life from getting boring, it’s a learner’s paradise. I have too much energy for just one thing and I constantly like learning new things and challenging myself!”

When writing for Forbes, what types of stories do you enjoy writing about the most and what’s the one thing you wish PRs or companies would know when pitching you a story?

“Those that other people will not cover because it doesn’t touch price or trading — namely how we can use technology for positive impact and returns to improve people’s lives. I also wish people read my prior writings to really understand the types of stories I want to unearth.”

In your opinion what is the most exciting thing happening in the blockchain space this year?

“Aside from Decentralised Finance and the institutions coming in? Using the technology being developed in healthcare to fight COVID-19. If we could leverage Blockchain to distribute a vaccine, prevent counterfeit COVID medicine or aid economic recovery that would be amazing to see.”

How has COVID19 impacted the way you work?

“It hasn’t really as this industry was already decentralised. The hardest part is not seeing people you would look forward to connecting with at events.”

How do you connect with so many interesting women through your career as a journalist?

“I started Daily Block Party which was a videocast for women explaining crypto. I want to get more women in the space and break the cycle of lack of diversity so women can participate in wealth creation opportunities as well. My bestselling book called WTF is Happening? Women Tech Founders on the Rise also helped connect me with many interesting women.”

Thanks Nisa!

