YAP Global went to the moon with MEW + Changelly

YAP Global
YAP Global
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2019

We don’t always throw parties — but when we do, they spike the price of Ethereum by 8 per cent!

In the lead up to Consensus New York, our clients, MEW (MyEtherWallet), came to us with a simple request. “Can you help us throw a party that might equal the legendary Casper’s Castle in Prague for DevCon last year?”

Naturally, we said yes.

Despite our global team, we had no boots on the ground in New York, so we were fortunate to have the assistance of Stephen Fried of Neuman’s Kitchen — a catering company with intimate knowledge of the best party spots in New York City. We cannot recommend them enough for their help in sourcing a venue !

After an introductory call from Paris Blockchain Week (where we threw a party on a boat), Stephen kindly introduced us to the team at Sky Room.

Overlooking Times Square, with views of the Empire State, New Yorker & many other of the Big Apple’s finest buildings, the Sky Room’s rooftop location inspired our lofty theme.

It was time to take this party — TO THE MOON.

We wanted a theme that was fun, and celebratory. After all, the crypto-community has heard enough of winter… especially with Game of Thrones coming to a close.

Now the real work began: choosing food. Designing cocktails. Personalising napkins. Ordering balloons. Arranging a backdrop for photos with some extraterrestrial excellence. And then curating a guestlist to ensure this spaceship had the perfect mix of BUIDLers, HODLers and thought leaders in the space.

At this point, MEW’s long-term collaborator and leading cryptocurrency exchange service, Changelly, joined the team to support our efforts to rocket this party beyond the stratosphere!

The ticket to a moonage daydream

After a soggy week, that had seen the entire crypto community buying matching $5 umbrellas, the sun miraculously parted the clouds on Wednesday.

The crypto-gods were smiling on us. The lights were set to blue it was time to launch!

There was merch:

There were balloons:

There were signature accents:

And there was us:

The YAP Global team: Rachael De Foe, Samantha Yap & Hannah Ballard

The lights were set to blue, the music was set to loud, and we were ready for our space travellers to board.

Joel from the Bad Crypto podcast deep in conversation
Quartz, CoinDesk, Decrypt and YAP Global proving that PR and media folks can be friends!
Matt from Crypto101 with crypto influencer Michael Nye.

Amongst the guests were journalists and representatives from CoinDesk, Quartz, Finder and Decrypt. Others included, influencers like Ethereum Jesus, the Bad Crypto podcast and Crypto 101, as well as executives from blockchain projects across Australia to Slovenia.

Ethereum Jesus and his brother with Kosala of MEW, Rachael of YAP Global and Ilya of Changelly.
Sam & Rachael enjoying a moment with fellow Aussies, the Finder team.
Hannah & Sam striking a pose with Zcoin & Rockaway Capital.

Also spotted were our other clients who had attended or spoken at Consensus: Bitmain, Securitize & Zcoin!

Carlos from Securitize was happy to meet the YAP Global team in person
Bitmain’s Nishant having a one-on-one with Joon of CoinDesk

It was an absolute pleasure to support MEW, and Changelly, in throwing this party. We hope to see you all at the next one!

Showing strong party leadership: Sam Yap of YAP Global, Kosala Hemachandra of MEW & Eric Benz of Changelly
YAP Global’s Hannah & Rachael with the ladies of MEW: Olga and Katya

If you’re interested in holding an event and are looking for the right people, email samantha@yapglobal.com to see how we can potentially party together too!

From left to right: Brian Norton, COO of MEW, Hannah Ballard & Rachael De Foe, Media Strategists at YAP Global, Samantha Yap, Director of YAP Global, Olga, Ilyas Sultan, Business Developer at Changelly, Kosala Hemachandara, CEO of MEW, Eric Benz, CEO of Changelly & Katya Michaels, Community Advocate at MEW.

Hannah Ballard, Media Strategist at YAP Global — Hannah uses her background in content marketing and community management to help our clients craft compelling stories. She has worked with startups from all over the globe, across AI, Blockchain, FinTech & VR, as she writes her way around the world. Having just left Australia, she’ll be in Canada for the rest of 2019.



YAP Global
YAP Global

International PR firm helping fintech, blockchain & cryptocurrency tell their stories.