YAPC::Europe 2016 Speakers: Patrice Auffret

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1 min readAug 3, 2016

Great talk & awesome ‪speaker‬: Patrice Auffret!

All about the Metabrik Platform: Rapid ‪#‎Development‬ of Reusable ‪#‎Security‬ Tools at act.yapc.eu/ye2016/talk/6798

“During the course of a penetration test, a malware analysis, a forensic analysis or a Capture The Flag contest, who has never been in the situation of having to develop
The Metabrik Platform [1] goal is to normalize how we use tools and how they interoperate together by providing a Platform as a UNIX shell, merged with a Perl REPL interpreter and a virtually infinite number of Briks: small reusable components that just do one task. Learning it is as simple as knowing the five Commands.”

‪#‎network‬ #security ‪#‎metabrik‬ ‪#‎normalization‬ ‪#‎shell‬ ‪#‎unix‬




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