Pass feature-scopes in AIS auth-request

Deepa Bhat
Yapily Platform Blog
2 min readMay 24, 2019

Yapily Authorisation API supports the ability to pass specific AIS feature-scopes in the authorisation request.

This enables your application to pass minimal feature-scopes or extended feature-scopes in your account authorisation request to the bank as required. These permissions (e.g Accounts, Transactions, Statements) allow you to inform your end-user regarding the specific resources you are accessing from their account.

Each bank has a various permission naming convention based on the underlying API standard they adopt — UK Open Banking, Berlin Group or custom Bank standard and different permissions they support, which poses a unique challenge for third-parties such as yourself to map and maintain these various scope permissions.

Hence, Yapily offers a standardised feature-scopes which are common across all the institutions, while we maintaining the backend mapping to each institution and API versions.

How to use feature-scopes?

By passing the Yapilyfeatures:[] list within the Account authorisation request.

Example of the Account Auth Request with specific feature scopes:

Request Body:
"accountRequest": {
"featureScope": [
"institutionId": "string",
"callback": "string",

Note: We specifically did not pass the other scopes above.

For this example your end-user will only see the permissions you’ve passed on their bank-side consent screen (e.g only Accounts)

The Yapily feature-scope for each individual institutions varies based on the availability of such scopes/permissions. You can obtain available feature-scopes on each institution using the institution endpoint.

For more information, see the links:



Deepa Bhat
Yapily Platform Blog

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