Digital transformation: People, Processes and Culture

Camila Montanari
Yapoli DAM


Running out of time? Read the summary.

  • The commitment of teams and autonomy in improving processes helps large corporations towards digital leadership.
  • The cultural change of corporations is still linked to the beliefs of an industrial era, where execution is punctual and maximum, with no room for gradual results.
  • Yapoli assists in the continuous improvement of processes, bringing autonomy to the teams and enabling a more strategic view of your company’s digital assets.

As we discussed in the previous article, the dimension People, Processes and Culture mentioned in the article The State of Digital Marketing in Brazil: 14 levers to reach maturity, by McKinsey, is the main dimension to be considered towards digital leadership.

The commitment, awareness and change of mentality of the entire corporation is essential for the necessary transformations to take place. Therefore, we will dedicate this article — which is the second in a series of five articles — to explain it in detail and to understand the levers in which Yapoli, as DAM, helps large corporations to evolve in this journey.

Let’s go, shall we?

The People, Processes and Culture dimension reflects the basic pillar of any corporation that wishes to walk the path towards digital transformation.

People willing to overcome barriers, autonomous, data-driven and multidisciplinary are the driving force for more agile and measurable processes to be implemented.

Of course, none of this is possible if the corporation does not structure its internal culture in such a way that there is room for such actions.

We are used to see environments that are declared “disruptive” and that encourage autonomy, but how much is this just words? What are the attitudes really applied in everyday life? How prepared are these corporations to allow their processes — often retrograde and bureaucratic — to be reviewed and reformulated?

Often the answers to these questions are not good, speech is more simple than practice. The culture still rooted in large corporations believes in concepts from an industrial era where execution is punctual and delivery of results is maximum, done in one go, with no chance for gradual evolution. Encouraging people to move away from a purely executing role and become strategic, causing mistakes and successes, seeking continuous improvement, is still a challenge.

The “Ability and Learning” lever speaks precisely about this, the need for continuous process improvement, to have support for automated processes and the use of artificial intelligence.

And this is exactly where Yapoli fits in, taking charge of bringing governance and digital asset management to the digital ecosystem of large corporations. Bringing autonomy to the teams, centralization of materials, providing a fluid, complete and consistent communication between platforms, internal and external collaborators, as well as with third parties. Integrating tools, automating processes and appropriating artificial intelligence for continuous improvements. All of these features enable the eradication of human interaction, out of effect, compliance and outdated digital assets.

When we talk about investing in a DAM (Digital Asset Management) platform as Yapoli, we are talking about cost savings, intelligent integrations, optimization, integrated communication, governance of digital materials, more agile processes, as well as autonomy so that teams enable more strategic roles based on measurable data.

In the next article we will cover the Data and Technology dimension and show which levers Yapoli supports large corporations towards digital transformation.

Yapoli is an intelligent DAM platform that optimizes the management and distribution of digital assets for the industry in a simple, secure, practical, fast and measurable manner.

