What is the relationship between GED and DAM?

Camila Montanari
Yapoli DAM



  1. What is GED?
  2. Yapoli as GED

We already know how a DAM (Digital Asset Management) operates within the ecosystem of large corporations. We have already mentioned that Yapoli as DAM also fits into the Content Platform concept. Now let’s see how Yapoli fits into another concept that spread in Brazil in the 90’s and that since then has undergone several evolutions: the GED.

What is GED?

Acronym for Electronic Document Management, GED is the classification of platforms that are directly related to principles of economy and efficiency in the production and use of documents (content). Where information must be available in the right place, at the right time and to the right people.

GED platforms allow the management of digital documents in an agile and assertive way, centralizing, distributing and controlling the flow of digital documents within a corporation, whether small, medium or large.

This software category resembles another acronym: ECM (Enterprise Content Management). There are countless theories about the emergence of each of these concepts, the most widespread brings the ECM as an evolution of the GED, with the addition of workflow, interpretation of stored data, thus producing knowledge. Does this sound familiar?

Yapoli as GED

The concept of GED and ECM, or better defined, the classification of digital asset management software or not, have several intersections. The centralization, organization, management and distribution are premises of the majority, so things start to differ when we add features that make it possible to know what is still useful, for example.

Artificial intelligence, integrations, real-time reporting, information extraction and asset characteristics are features that set Yapoli apart from platforms with GED, ECM, DAM, Content Platform positioning, helping large corporations initially, as DAM, to organize , manage, centralize and distribute digital assets, and in a second moment, helping to understand what works, how it works and what can be used, replicated, improved.

Yapoli operates in the management, distribution and optimization of digital materials, centralizing them, with an audit trail, within LGPD and GDPR parameters, with real-time reports and intelligence behind the assets, integrating the digital ecosystem. Generating savings of up to 1.5 million by eradicating inefficiencies from your corporation’s digital asset management and distribution chain.

