3 Precepts To Help You Find The Dream Job

Tiago o Mayavangua Jr
Yard Couch
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2021
Foto de Ali Morshedlou no Unsplash

Happiness is what every human being seeks, and one of the hilarious points of this is that it is impossible to achieve it, only by being successful in a sphere of life. If we want to be happy, we must be well or almost well resolved in the different spheres of life, especially:

  • in health;
  • in family life, in friendships, in leisure;
  • at work;
  • in love life.

In this story, I intend to give special attention to the area of work. We have seen people complaining about their jobs because we have this common sense that working is an obligation that we must do in our lives.

The concept that working is an obligation makes us emit negative energy in the universe. There are seven days in the week, and of which we have as a possible pattern only two days of rest. It is impossible to have a satisfying life if we spend five days out of every seven doing things we do not like to do.

So in this story, I will talk about three ways for you to find the job you feel passionate about; this is not necessarily, linked to earning a fat salary, as we will see throughout this story.

1. Self-knowledge

Self-knowledge is to know one’s essence, that is, to have full self-control: in thoughts, desires, hopes, frustrations, and beliefs. This concept allows us to draw a personal map to interpret who we are and where we want to go. Thus, we will have a greater focus and a certainty of the real reason to be here.

To better interpret who we are, we need to horizontalize ourselves. Acquire diverse inputs from different fronts. We must live different experiences and open our vision of the world about other possibilities that we can experience.

Because of the more experiences we cultivate, the more we develop a critical sense about the things we like.

Thus, the more of these inputs we receive with these different experiences we cultivate, the more we will be able to unite these things and understand how they integrate, and from there, be able to draw our conclusion.

We need to define our job only after we already found our aptitude. The only way we can say this for sure is by having experienced several different things in our life.

2. Finding companies where we have cultural alignment

To understand what cultural alignment is, we must first understand what culture is.

Culture for the field that we are giving spotlight is all that accepted within the company. The way people interact with each other. is the way leaders talk to their team.

Culture can also be the feeling of belonging to the company that we have with that place, make us want to give the best of ourselves to make it prosper. To have an attitude of ownership, a sense that the team you live with is your collective, are people who by the development that you bring to them bring directly to you.

Three main points help us to define the culture of a company:

  • Mission

The mission is the main value proposition that the company. From the moment that the mission of the company also matches your mission of life, you are working not only to make money or generate a financial return for the company. But you are also working because you are acting for a cause bigger than you and the company itself. After all, it aims to add something to society.

  • Vision

Vision is a compass that serves as a great long-term goal. The strategies that the company will use during a period to carry out its mission.

  • Values

Values are the principles or beliefs that guide the behaviors, attitudes, and decisions of all people involved in the pursuit of its objectives for the company exercises its mission and seeks to achieve its vision.

3. Subverting the cult of entrepreneurship

Many people believe that the only way to have a fulfilled life is through entrepreneurship, which is not necessarily true.

If your dream is to want to work in a specific company, there is nothing wrong with that. Because of its mission, vision, and values. Because you feel that the cause with which the company is acting is precisely your own. In other words, it’s not because the company is not yours that you can’t feel realized.

Depending on this cocktail, this mix between mission, vision, and value of a company, you have your culture. the culture of a company must be very aligned with what you want and like, based on your acquired horizontality.

When you like the company you work for, it is not just the owners who are excited about the achievements. You love what you do in favor of a purpose: to contribute to the company growth that you believe is good for everyone.



Tiago o Mayavangua Jr
Yard Couch

O pior não é quando possuimos muito ou pouco dinheiro, mas sim quando o dinheiro nos possui.