A Brief Explanation of Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany

A fascinating case study of what happens when money printing gets out of control

Ben the Trader
Yard Couch


A headline in a German newspaper saying 1 US dollar was equal to 1 Million marks
A headline in a German newspaper saying 1 US dollar was equal to 1 Million marks — Source: Bundesarchiv, Bild 102–00134 / CC-BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia


This is a term we see thrown about quite a bit at the moment. Indeed it is becoming part of our everyday lexicon. Take this tweet from

, the (former) CEO of Twitter.



Ben the Trader
Yard Couch

Top Writer in Investing, Finance and Economics | Follower of precious metals, commodities and crypto | Contrarian | Dad to two daughters | Husband | Musician