Algorand… The Best Crypto Nobody’s Talking About

Algorand has it all, could it be worth your money?

Jamie Bullock
Yard Couch


Silvio Micali, founder of Algorand


For the impatient, here’s my elevator pitch for Algorand:

  • Insanely fast blockchain network with super low-cost transactions
  • Proof-of-stake with 6% APY reward and no minimum stake
  • Carbon neutral with a pledge to go carbon negative
  • Huge growth potential: top 50 crypto with $4 billion market cap
  • A large established ecosystem of DApps and 3rd party projects

If that’s whetted your appetite, read on…

The Algorand Team

The man in the picture above is Silvio Micali. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Berkeley and has been a professor at MIT’s Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department since 1983.

He has received the Turing Award for computer science, the Gödel Prize for computer science, and the RSA price for cryptography. He co-invented probabilistic encryption. Frankly, his credentials make Charles Hoskinson look like a grad school hack.

He is also the founder of the Algorand blockchain…

