How to Finish More Work in a Shorter Amount of Time

Simple tips and tricks that produce results

Jordan Mendiola
Yard Couch


Photo by fauxels from Pexels

“Constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.”

— Elon Musk

Nothing is worse than watching your workload go from a tiny stockpile into a massive mountain of inefficiency.

As a marketing manager for an investment firm, I have had ups and downs in the amount of work I produce. Over the course of six months, I’ve developed strategies to complete all my tasks in half the amount of time.

You don’t have to be a marketing manager in order to finish more work. It may seem dark at the end of the tunnel, but

Some of the strategies I’ll go over include:

  • Chunking — Doing your work in chunks rather than all at once.
  • Rewarding — Giving yourself rewards for accomplishing tasks.
  • Networking — Using Facebook communities and YouTube resources.
  • Relaxing — Allowing yourself to take a break after working so hard.

By the end of this article, you should be able to accomplish your tasks in far less time which will open up…



Jordan Mendiola
Yard Couch

I started writing during the pandemic, took a short break. But have returned for more. Quality over quantity this second time around. Thanks for being here!