How to Invest Like a Pro

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Cody Collins
Yard Couch


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There’s an old saying, “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” When it comes to investing, there’s no shame in copying others. Your goal is to make as much as you can, not to be too prideful to listen to other’s advice or follow their moves.

The best thing about investing is that you can copy others and no one will bat an eye. Unlike all those years of school, you should actually be encouraged to copy other people’s smart investments.

Most of us don’t have the time to monitor the market all day or to follow 200 stocks. That’s why there are professionals who get paid a lot of money to do so.


ARK ETFs are some of the hottest ETFs right now. And Cathie Wood is at the head of it.

Wood is the founder, CEO, and CIO of ARK Investment Management LLC, the largest actively-managed exchange-traded fund in 2020. She was named the best stock picker of 2020.

There are several actively managed ETFs from ARK. Silver Berry’s article “Eight ETFs with Staggering Returns in 2020” provides a detailed description of them.

Several of these actively managed ETFs are up more than 100% the past year.



Cody Collins
Yard Couch

Energy Finance Professional. Top writer in Investing, Economics, Technology, and Business. Co-Creator of Yard Couch. Email: