Is Bitcoin an Inflation Hedge?

Well, it depends…

Jamie Bullock
Yard Couch


Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash

In June this year, US inflation reached a 40-year high of 9.1%.

Other countries have seen similar moves with Argentina experiencing an eye-watering 70% inflation.

Bitcoin advocates have argued that one of its benefits is protecting people against inflation. In this post, I examine if this is true.

What is inflation?

Inflation is an increase in the price of goods and services within an economy.

For example, if the average price of a car in 2010 was $28,160. It is now around $48k. The difference can be accounted for by inflation.

Inflation is formally calculated using a weighted average price change of a “basket of goods” representing the typical things people buy.

Groups in the CPI basket of goods. (Used under fair use: source)

The important thing here is that inflation figures represent the rate at which prices go up. It is often therefore called year-on-year inflation.

The impact of inflation

Some inflation is good for an economy. Governments often aim for a figure of around 2% in order to stimulate…

