$MANA: A Cryptocurrency To Watch Out For

Regardless of whether you believe in the metaverse, this coin should be on your watchlist

Chun Hao
Yard Couch


$MANA will be the top 20 coins by market capitalization in a few years — more specifically when metaverse becomes the norm.

What is the metaverse? What is $MANA? How is $MANA linked to the metaverse? All will be addressed simply in this quick read.

Metaverse Is Here To Stay

Photo by Lux Interaction on Unsplash

“The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.” — Bill Gates

I’ll say it now, Metaverse is pivotal as the next generational shift in the technological paradigm that the world should strive towards.

As the world begins to transit to a state of digitalization, big tech firms like Facebook are the first to hop on the wave. For the longest time, Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has been vocal about the “Metaverse”.



Chun Hao
Yard Couch

Hooked on Personal Finance and Self Growth! I write mostly about exploring one's potential, being financially prudent, and pursuing happiness.