MIT Predicted the Meltdown of Society by 2040

We’re ahead of schedule

Isaiah McCall
Yard Couch



In just a few years, the world as we know it could cease to exist. Sounds melodramatic, I know, but stay with me here.

According to researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, by 2040 society could be in serious trouble. Their study predicts that economic inequality will reach new heights, social cohesion will unravel, and democratic institutions will come under increasing strain.

In other words, things are going to get really bad — and fast.

Let’s talk about it.

2020 Was the First Disaster Milestone

MIT scientists developed a computer model called “World 3” in 1973 to simulate global sustainability. It was supposed to be a fun silly project, but researchers found themselves alarmed when the computer wouldn’t predict past 2040.

Humanity had ended by then.

In a mad frenzy those MIT scientists published a book about their study called “The Limits of Growth” — but no one really cared.

No one wanted to hear that civilization will start collapsing by the time they’re in their 60s, or swallow the pill that the study was so legit that it was backed by the worlds leading scientific organizations…



Isaiah McCall
Yard Couch

Journalist for 99Bitcoins and former USA Today, also Ultramarathoner | On Substack: