My Five Favorite Quotes About the Stock Market

Short and sweet, but filled with valuable information

Cody Collins
Yard Couch


Image from Canva

As I sit here on a Sunday evening scrolling through LinkedIn drinking an expired beer, I started thinking of a conversation I had with a friend recently.

He asked me about a Roth IRA and if he should start investing in one. The answer is always “Yes.”

But it got me thinking how there is so much financial information out there. And sometimes, the information that is most impactful is the smallest in size. The old, “quality over quantity.”

With that in mind, here are a few short quotes about the stock market that have had an impact on me.

1. “Time in the market beats timing the market”

I wrote an entire article about this quote. It’s hands down the most impactful lesson to my investing. The most amazing thing I have going for me in investing, and life, that money can’t buy, is time.

I have decades in front of me, and I will use them to my advantage.

I keep two pieces of paper taped to the wall above my desk. One of which says “The Power of Slow Compounding.”

If you make a million dollars from investing in a few years, congrats. I’ll get there…



Cody Collins
Yard Couch

Energy Finance Professional. Top writer in Investing, Economics, Technology, and Business. Co-Creator of Yard Couch. Email: