New Global Reserve Currency Announced This Week to End Cash

Big Brother says this is a great idea

Isaiah McCall
Yard Couch


One Nation Under CCTV by Tom Blackwell from Flickr

Thomas More crafted the word ‘utopia’ as a clever pun of two Greek words: ou-topos (nowhere) and eu-topos (a good place) — provoking us to question whether an idyllic world is even possible, or just wishful thinking.

More was a cheeky bastard who saw the future.

Digital IDs are that utopia: a seemingly incorruptible system of identification, an answer to all our identity woes.

This week saw the first major step toward that.

In conjunction with the IMF, Digital Currency Monetary Authority launched an international central bank digital currency (CBDC) at Monday’s IMF Spring Meeting. The financial world watched as a new era dawned with CBDC’s promises of strong monetary sovereignty and compliance with the IMF’s crypto asset policy recommendations.

So much is happening with money and privacy it’s making my head spin.

Here’s how this will affect you.

How Much Better Would a Digital ID Make Life?

Digital Authority’s new coin is called Universal Monetary Unit (UMU).



Isaiah McCall
Yard Couch

Journalist for 99Bitcoins and former USA Today, also Ultramarathoner | On Substack: