The Age of Making Money is Over. Middle-class is Disappearing
Being poor is one thing, being poor working 75+ hours is another
In the vast world of politics, economics, philosophy, and life, the true essence of joy lies in the middle. Why our society has decided to destroy that joy is beyond me.
Only three places in the entire U.S. still offer a taste of middle-class living: Arkansas, West Virginia, and Puerto Rico. Why? Because these are the only spots left where a minimum-wage job can cover the rent. Everywhere else in America, we’re fighting for jobs and drowning in debt.
Mortgage rates keep rising. Auto interest rates keep rising. Savings interest rates are stagnant.
This is the part where they force poverty on the middle class.
Middle-Class America died in 1980, now all you see are ghosts.
Post WW2, America experienced an astronomical population surge with a mind-boggling 78 million babies born in just two decades. This resulted in a staggering 40% growth in the US population and a significant 30% boost globally.