The Fall Of Reddit: Why It’s Quickly Declining into Chaos

“You have been banned for wrongthink”

Isaiah McCall
Yard Couch


Image by josephvm from Pixabay

Reddit is dead.

At least artistically and creatively speaking.

What started as a bastion of independent thought, Reddit has slowly devolved into a den of groupthink, censorship, and corporate greed.

“It’s true, both the government and private companies can censor stuff. But private companies are a little bit scarier because they have no constitution to answer to, they’re not elected really — all the protections we’ve built up against government tyranny don’t exist for corporate tyranny.

— Aaron Swartz, co-Founder of Reddit

There are three fundamental problems with Reddit:

  1. Censorship
  2. Moderator Abuse
  3. Corporate Greed

But first, you should understand that the history of Reddit doomed it from the start.

The Secret History of Reddit



Isaiah McCall
Yard Couch

Journalist for 99Bitcoins and former USA Today, also Ultramarathoner | On Substack: