The Simple Reason 90% of Men Are Lost in Life

Most young men are single. Most young women are not.

Isaiah McCall
Yard Couch
Published in
6 min readFeb 28, 2023


Shinji Ikari from Evawiki

Your average American male in 2023 is chronically single.

Incels aren’t even a minority group anymore.

Almost 70% of young men are single, whereas only around 30% of young women are, according to Pew Research.

Young men are officially in a crisis:

  • Young men are single at nearly twice the rate of young women
  • Labor force participation among men (25–54) has dropped by 7 percent in the past half-century
  • Women are taking the lead in higher education, dominating bachelor’s and law degrees; 57 percent of bachelor’s degrees are awarded to women, and women receive the majority of law degrees.
  • Men are significantly more likely to drop out of college.
  • Young men commit suicide at a rate of four times more than younger women.

There is an invisible and emotional pain that young men carry. They are searching, yearning, and wanting to be seen and heard, yet they often feel they can’t fully express themselves. Life sucks — and they don’t know why.

Let’s get something out of the way: this isn’t about Men vs. Women like a cage match with a locked…



Isaiah McCall
Yard Couch

Journalist for 99Bitcoins and former USA Today, also Ultramarathoner | On Substack: