This is The Dumbest Investment You Can Make in Crypto

I just lost thousands from it…

Isaiah McCall
Yard Couch
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2021


Image from Canva

There are two feelings you will always get as an investor: Fear of missing out on investments that exploded like GameStop or Bitcoin. The second is regret from losing money. It doesn’t even have to be a lot.

The latter is so powerful an emotion that some have sadly even killed themselves over it.

Please — especially if you’re just getting started with investing — only invest what you can afford to lose. Don’t stake your entire life on something that could ruin it. It’s not worth it.

I learned this lesson recently. I lost a lot of money investing in a cryptocurrency scam. It hurt so badly that I couldn’t even bring myself to write about it for weeks. But I could afford to lose this much. It didn’t end me.

And thankfully, time heals all wounds.

Crypto Mining is a Dangerous Game

Cryptocurrency is on the fringe of society. It’s not mainstream.

Crypto started from the cyberpunk movement. Outcasts on the internet are still some of its strongest supporters and the creator of Bitcoin themself was a rebellious internet dweller.



Isaiah McCall
Yard Couch

Journalist for 99Bitcoins and former USA Today, also Ultramarathoner | On Substack: