The security dilemma

YaseerKugu’s column
3 min readApr 3, 2019

The notion of insecurity connotes different meanings to different people but, what remains is that, insecurity is the state of being insecure or unsafe, liability to give way, be lost, or become unsafe or fraught with danger. With regards to Nigeria, Insecurity has taken a new dimension in the couple of years, from Boko-haram to kidnapping, armed banditry & communal clashes such as, herdsmen & farmers clash etc. The new dimension it has taken, needs ultimate attention but unfortunately, the government seems careless & things are escalating from bad to worst. The government focus on a lost cause, a cause long forgotten to have existed, and a battle that was 80% won, the fight against Boko-haram extremist.

Many people tend to give credit to this government when it comes to her success in security. I say, it’s wrong & 100% untrue to give credit to a government that neglects & narrow the perspective of insecurity to the threat of Boko-haram extremist alone. Nevertheless, they deserve some credit for crippling the activities of Boko-haram but, giving them credit for security in totality, I say not. Boko-haram insurgency is just a part in a whole system of insecurity that threatens the existence of Nigeria as a country. You will agree with me when I say, if people sees insecurity as the activities of Boko-haram alone then, the government has achieved security in its utmost stage. But, security challenges that Nigeria is currently facing, is not Boko-haram. Today, Nigeria is facing a greater danger, the rampant kidnapping that’s happening all over the country & the bandits killing & unleashing mayhem in Zamfara, are worse than Boko-haram. If the government continue its negligence on this issue & didn’t start treating it, as a matter that needs utmost attention, it will escalate & be worse than, those barbarians down the North East (Boko-haram). The nature of these armed bandits is nothing but, killings of innocent souls with no clear goal or objectives stated as to why, they are doing it. Any appearance of civility from them, is but, a glimpse of the men they once were. Their inhumanity knows no boundary & their savagery knows no age or gender. They kill, rape, extort & kidnap young boys & girls just, to aid their cause. Dishearteningly, the danger they pose is nothing less than that of silence, silence by government & other citizens. Government of the day shows no concern regarding these issues. Hundreds of people has been killed already & hundreds more, has been kidnapped. Unfortunately, the government said & did nothing. Now, the question is not about those killed or kidnapped. The question is in exacts words of Aisha yesufu, “yesterday’s victims were once survivors. Today’s victims were yesterday’s survivors & tomorrow’s victims would be today’s survivors. Who’s next?

It’s very unfortunate that, the police HQ can deploy 7 DIGs & 10 AIGs for rerun election that serves their interest. But, failed to deploy them to places where their services is needed. Thanks to people like Segalink for advocating #Police reforms. The armed forces are built on corruption to the extent, they can no longer serve their primary purpose & essence for existence. They can no longer protect the lives & properties of citizens.

Shamefully, the president & his cohort party visited Zamfara just to secure the votes & support of it inhabitants, on the course of the presidential election. But, cannot offer a condolence message to the families of the hundreds killed every day in the state. In the state of nature, it’s clear that man came into agreement with other men to form the state for one & only one reason, security. In the modern world of today it’s called protection of lives & property. To this end, I will unleash the very question that is bothering the conscience of each & every responsible Nigerian, What is the essence of the Nigerian state if it cannot honor the agreement of the existence of state in the first place? Or of what use is the Nigerian state if it cannot protect the lives & properties of it citizens?

