Prototyping fiction

A short history of my prototyping journey for MSURE

Yatiraj Shetty
3 min readFeb 2, 2022


The idea is simple and the implementation is simple too. Let me chart my journey.

Step I: Diegetic Prototype using a push button switch

Diegetic prototype

A quick and dirty button operated prototype to show what the concept of the end product. This was part of assignment 2 submission.

Simple circuit with RGB LED and push button switch
A little sleight of hand to nudge suspension of disbelief

Step II: Making a ‘tap’ switch

To make the circuit little more interesting, I made a ‘tap’ switch.

On closer look, we can see the embarrassing simplicity of this circuit.

All I do is connect wires with my ‘tap’

This could also be achieved by using a small copper tape stuck to finger as shown below. Found this more interesting and also reliable than the above version.

Completing circuit with your finger!

Step III: Making a ‘sensor’ switch

I used an FSR (pressure) sensor to do this job. The idea is to detect the weight of the object filled into the shot-glass using a pressure sensor and trip the led green when it is at the ‘desired weight’. I would have liked to create my own pressure sensor as shown in ‘handcrafting sensors’, I just didn't have the time/ materials to do the job.

Neat sensor though.

The code is very simple.

FSR test read out

The problem is with calibrating the FSR. It is pretty noisy.

Future work

  1. Calibration routine for FSR.
  2. Touch/motion activated switch to initiate circuit (tilt ball wouldn't be ideal, tried it!); using FSR readings only for LED trigger.
  3. Make it wireless.

It should look something like this:

