How Watch and Code Saved Me from Coding Hell

Yat H So
Yat's Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2016

The Story. Being a non-technical minded person, I was never really into technical stuff like coding. Driven by a need to build MVP apps (So I can test all my crazy ideas), I ended up dabbling with HTML/CSS/Javascript at codecademy, team tree house, code school, FreeCodeCamp, youtube channels. For 8 months, I didn’t feel like I had made any real progress as I still wasn’t able to build any websites/apps from scratch. Partially, it was my fault as I never finished any tracks on those learning sites before jumping ship but the courses were so long and seemed never ending! Deep down inside, I knew there had to be a better way to learn Javascript for people like me. Then I found the free course Practical Javascript by Gordon Zhu on reddit, and it immediately clicked with me. It’s still a work in progress but I sped through the course watching the videos and coding along. In a few hours, I already had the basic structure of a todo list app made. On top of that, I had a good understanding that a variable is just a nickname, an array is just a list, a function is just a recipe, an object is just a way to group related things together. In addition, the way how he taught object comparisons with a house analogy was brilliant. What I really want to share is his amazing support. Not only does he respond super fast to my emails, he’s also messaging me via live chat inside his courses, always asking how I’m doing and if I need help on anything. I feel that as a beginner learning to code, not only do you need good material, having a good teacher always around to answer questions is just as important. He has helped me on numerous occasions already and I know I can depend on him if I get stuck again. How’s he’s able to respond so fast with his busy schedule? I guess that’s his secret sauce for Watch and Code.

Key Takeaway: Truly care for your customers by always finding ways to help and being responsive. Having a business that truly cares about its customer’s success builds loyal customers. I have already recommended Gordon’s course numerous times on Facebook coding groups and meetups both online and offline. Was I paid to do it? Absolutely not. Then why did I do it? His course content and his personal support were so good that I felt like a part of the community and just wanted to spread the word. That, my friend, is customer loyalty.


Originally published at on May 5, 2016.

