Agile Model | Agile Methodology | Scrum Process |

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2 min readNov 8, 2022

Hi friends in this blog we are going to see Agile Flow!!!!!!!!!!

Agile → Iterative & Incremental Model

  • Iterative means same kind of process repeating again & again
  • Incremental means adding new module/feature

Agile Principles:

  • Customer no need to wait for longtime
  • We develop, test, release piece of software to the customer with few number of features
  • We can accept the requirement changes
There will be Good Communication between Customer, Business Analyst, Developers/Testers

Advantages in Agile Process:

  • Requirement changes are allowed in any stage of development
  • Release will be faster
  • Good Communication with team
  • Easy model to adopt

Disadvantages in Agile Process:

  • Less focus on design and documentation

Scrum in Agile process:

  • Kind of framework which will help us
  • Build software product by following agile principles

Scrum team:

  • Product owner
  • Scrum Master
  • Development Team
  • QA team

Product Owner:

  • Define the feature of the product
  • Will Contact to the customer(Input/Requirements)
  • Adjust features and priority even iteration as needed

Scrum Master:

  • Specific role (Main role is driving the agile process)
  • Will conduct the meeting for the team every day (15 minutes)

Developers and QA:

  • Develop and test the software

Scrum Terminology:

  1. User story — A feature/Module in software it is a kind of small requirement
  2. Epic — A Collection of user stories it is a kind of large requirements
  3. Product backlog — Contains list of user stories prepared by product owner
  4. Sprint — Period of time to complete the user stories
  5. Sprint Planning meeting — Meeting conducts with team to define what can be delivered in sprint and duration
  6. Sprint backlog — List of commited stories by Dev/QA for specific sprint
  7. Scrum Meeting — Meeting conducted by scrum master everyday 15 minutes everyone will attend to track the status
  8. Sprint retrospective meeting — End of sprint will have this meeting (Discuss what went wrong & well) Everyone including the product owner should participate.
  9. Story Point — Rough estimation of user stories, will be given by Dev/QA in the form of fibanacci series
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 . . . . . 

10. Burndown chart — Shows how much work remaining in sprint maintained by the scrum daily

11. Scrum Board: Stories —>ToDo →In Progress →Testing →Done

