Fastify and Sequelize with TypeScript.

Edison Devadoss
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2020

Hi friends, In this article, I will explain about Fastify and Sequelize configuration with TypeScript.

Before we are going to configure Sequelize with TypeScript first we need to configure with Fastify and TypeScript.

For details of Fastify and TypeScript refer to this article. In that article, I explained the configuration of Fastiy and TypeScript. After we configured Fastify with TypeScript then move to the next step.

Install dependencies

$ npm install pg pg-hstore sequelize --save

After installation is completed then setup .env file for Database setup.


And open your terminal and change your path to the project directory.

$ export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user_name:password@localhost:5432/database_name

And, paste the above command in your terminal.

Setup Sequelize

Create .sequelizerc file

This setup determines the path of the config, models, seeders, and migrations.

Create migration

$ sequelize migration:create --name create_user_table

It is a sample user table migrations.

Define Types

It is the type definition, user model. Write this file under the types folder. The file path is types/user.d.ts

Import this file in the user model and use type definitions.


Create user.ts file in the model directory

Define the user model and write all validation.

Create Service

Write the function to create users.

Using the above function user can create new users. It returns a promise. Write this file in under services folder /services/user.service.ts

Create Controller

Writing controller is for our easy understanding. From the controller, we called our service.

We write this file under the controllers directory (/controllers/users.controller.ts)

Create Route

For this router also our easy understanding purpose. From the router, we called our controller. The file path (/routes/user.routes.ts).

After that import our router in the application.ts file then only it is available to access.

Now users can reach this endpoint to create a new user.



Edison Devadoss

Software developer / JavaScript / React / React Native / Firebase / Node.js / C Programming / Book Reader