High-Level Overview of Web Development

Gibson Joseph
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2022

Hi There,

I am Gibson, In this blog, We are going to talk about clients and servers, front-end and back-end development websites.

web development

Front-End Development:

I am going to explain all this around the process that happens when we open up the webpage in a browser.

We are trying to access a webpage in our browser at medium.com. Now what happens as we try to access this page is that our browser sends a request to the server where this page is hosted on the internet. So each and every website is stored on a server, which is basically a computer that is connected to the internet and is able to receive requests like this one.

request sent

So again, when we browse a certain website, our web browser will send a request to the server where the website is stored. So where it is hosted. Then the server receives the request, it will take all the files that make up the website and send them back to the browser. And so we say that the server sends the response to the browser, which essentially contains all of these files that the website is made of.

receive response

Now, as you can see from these file extensions, we have some HTML, CSS, and also JavaScript code here. And these are precisely the three languages that the browser can understand.


Once the browser receives the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files from the server response, it will take the code and render the website that we trying to access.

You already have a good understanding of what actually happens when we browse websites and also about the technologies that we use to build any website. And The process of writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that the browser can understand is the process that we call Front-End Web-Development.

So whenever you hear someone talking about Front-End development, what they mean is developers writing the code that is displayed in a browser, which is basically the front-end of a website.

Back-End Development:

To write applications that are actually executed on web servers, developers use some kind of back-end languages like Node JS, PHP, or Python.

So these languages do is to take data out of a database and basically assemble that data into the final files that will be sent to the browser as the response.

And this whole process is called Back-End Development because this is basically the invisible part of a website.

The Three Language of Front-End:



HTML is responsible for the content of the page. So that the text, the images, the buttons, and all the content that you see on the webpage are always written inside an HTML file.


The CSS is responsible for the presentation of that content. So basically for styling and for laying out the element on the webpage.


JavaScript is the programming language of the Front-End. So it allows us to add dynamic interactive effects to webpages.

We can also use it to manipulate the content or the CSS to load data from web servers and even to build entire front-end applications, Which we then call web applications.


Now we can also use the analogy of nouns, adjectives, and verbs to make the separation of roles here a little bit easier to understand.

So in this analogy, HTML represents the nouns. For example, saying that the P element is a paragraph. So paragraph is the noun here.

The CSS then is the adjective because it basically describes the noun. For example, saying that the paragraph text is red. And so red is an adjective describing the noun.

Finally, JavaScript is of course the verb, like saying hide the paragraph. So we are actually doing something here.

All right. And with this, we finish our introduction to web development.

Thank You For Reading this Blog………

Have a Nice Day……



Gibson Joseph

Web developer | current learn front-end | Daily improving skills | Tech Blogger | I share my Knowledge related to web development |