Dockerizing ReactJS application in Ubuntu

Ragu Developer
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2020

This post explains,

  1. How to build a docker image?
  2. How to push & pull images from the docker hub?
  3. How to run the application in docker on the Ubuntu system?

What is docker?

  • Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to deploy and run applications by using containers
  • Docker is a platform used to containerize your software, using which you can easily build your application, package them with the dependencies required for your application into the container and further, these containers are easily shipped to run on other machines.
  • Docker is a container-management service and is performed on the system-level.
  • It works like a client-server application
  • It’s a layered architecture
  • Docker images run in docker platform

Advantages of using docker :

  • Rapid application deployment
  • Portability across machines
  • Version control and component reuse
  • Sharing
  • Lightweight footprint and minimal overhead
  • Simplified maintenance

How do we create docker images?

Step 1:

Install docker your system by following the instructions given in the link.

Step 2:

Create ReactJS application

Install :         $ npm install -g create-react-appCreate project :         $ create-react-app PROJECT_NAME 

Step 3:

Create a Dockerfile in your project directory. The file name should be Dockerfile without any extension.


FROM node:latestRUN mkdir -p /usr/src/appWORKDIR /usr/src/appCOPY package.json /usr/src/app/RUN npm installADD src /usr/src/app/srcADD public /usr/src/app/publicEXPOSE 3000CMD ['npm', 'start']

Step 4:

Build a docker image

Run in project root directory:Example : $ sudo docker build -t IMAGE_NAME .Command : $ sudo docker build -t react-docker .

The above command will start building the image and echos success message with image id on the completion. If want to see the created image, run the following command.

$ sudo docker images

Step 5:

Create a docker hub account here

Step 6:

Push docker image to the docker hub. This can be accomplished by running the following commands.

Step 1: Find image idCommand : $ sudo docker imagesoutput is:REPOSITORY    TAG       IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZEreact-docker  latest    641293b16b2a      7 minutes ago       1.13GB
Step 2: Add image to docker hubExample :
Command :
$ sudo docker tag 641293b16b2a raguct25/react-docker:latest
Step 3: Push image to docker hubExample : $ sudo docker push DOCKER_HUB_ID/IMAGE_NAMECommand : $ sudo docker push raguct25/react-docker

Step 7:

Pull docker image from docker hub

Example : $ sudo docker pull DOCKER_HUB_ID/DOCKER_IMAGE_NAMECommand : $ sudo docker pull raguct25/react-docker

Step 8:

Run docker image

Run without PORT:Example : $ sudo docker run DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME RUN_COMMANDCommand : $ sudo docker run react-docker npm startRUN with PORT:Example : 
$ sudo docker run -it -p 3000:3000 DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME RUN_COMMAND
Command :
$ sudo docker run -it -p 3000:3000 react-docker npm start

Docker commands :

View images : docker imagesView containers : docker psRemove images : docker rmi IMAGE_NAMERemove force images : docker rmi -f IMAGE_IDRemove images with tag : docker rmi IMAGE_NAME:TAG_NAMERemove container : docker rm CONTAINER_IDStop container : docker stop CONTAINER_IDHow many containers are present on the host now : docker ps -aContainers details : docker inspect CONTAINER_NAME

Thank you!

