Introducing Mesop: A Pythonic Approach to Web UI Development

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3 min readJun 6, 2024

What is Mesop?

Mesop is an open-source Python UI framework created by Google. It allows you to build user interfaces entirely within Python, eliminating the need for separate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. Mesop was officially open-sourced on or around May 13, 2024.

A Brief History of Mesop:

Mesop seems to have originated as an unofficial “20% project” within Google, meaning a project pursued by a small team during their non-core work hours. Given its recent open-sourcing, it’s likely that Mesop is still under active development, with its feature set and functionalities evolving over time.

Why did Google develop Mesop?

While the specific reasons might not be publicly available, here are some potential benefits for Google:

  • Internal Tool Development: Mesop could streamline the development process for Google’s internal tools and applications used by its workforce.
  • Python Expertise Leverage: Google has a large pool of Python developers. Mesop allows them to leverage their existing skills for UI development.
  • Potential for Innovation: As an open-source project, Mesop fosters collaboration and innovation within the developer community, potentially leading to improvements beneficial to Google’s own projects

What products or projects at Google have been developed using Mesop?

While specific products have not been publicly detailed, Mesop has been primarily used for internal applications and demos at Google. This includes various tools and interfaces designed for internal teams to enhance productivity and streamline workflows.

Why consider Mesop?

  • Streamlined Development: Write UI code entirely in Python, reducing context switching and complexity.
  • Increased Developer Productivity: Leverage Mesop’s component-based architecture for code reusability and faster development cycles.
  • Focus on Core Functionality: Spend less time on styling intricacies and more time on core application logic.

Is there a learning curve for Mesop?

There will be a learning curve, but developers familiar with Python can pick up Mesop concepts quickly. Existing resources like documentation and tutorials (if available) can ease the learning process.

What are the potential limitations of Mesop?

  • Early Stage: Mesop is still in its early stages and not an officially supported Google product.
  • Performance: Optimizations are ongoing, and there may be limitations in terms of performance for very large or complex applications.
  • Ecosystem: While Mesop simplifies many aspects of UI development, it may not have the extensive ecosystem and third-party integrations available in more mature frameworks.

How does Mesop compare to other UI frameworks?

  • Ease of Use: Mesop is designed to be easy for Python developers, eliminating the need for JavaScript, CSS, or HTML.
  • Hot Reload: Provides a faster development cycle compared to some traditional frameworks.
  • Component Library: Offers a rich set of components, but still expanding compared to mature frameworks like React or Angular.

How does Mesop handle styling without CSS?

Mesop likely uses a declarative approach where styles are defined directly within Python for each UI element. Imagine functions that create UI components might accept arguments for styling properties like color, font, or margins. Additionally, Mesop might offer theming functionalities to maintain consistent UI styles across the application.

How can we evaluate Mesop for our projects?

Consider a small-scale proof-of-concept project to experiment with Mesop and assess its suitability for your team and applications. Encourage developers to explore Mesop and provide feedback on their experience.




Head of Engineering in AI/ML and application architecture, leading teams to create scalable, high-performance solutions that drive innovation and efficiency.