Nestjs configure two DBs in one project

Edison Devadoss
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2024


I will explain how to configure more than one RDBMS DB in a Nestjs project.

As a software engineer, I encountered a situation to configure more than one Database in a single project. I used Prisma as an ORM in the project.

Install Prisma and Configuration:

$ npm install prisma --save-dev
$ npm install @prisma/client
$ npx prisma init

It creates a prisma folder in the root folder of the project. Inside the folder, it has a file schema.prisma file. We need to configure the schema inside the schema.prisma file.

We need to change that file name. schema.prisma to schema1.prisma . And create a file called schema2.prisma for our second database.

Configure schema1.prisma

// schema1.prisma

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
output = "./generated/client1"

datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")

model User {
id Int @unique @default(autoincrement())
first_name String @db.VarChar(100)
last_name String @db.VarChar(100)
kc_user_id String @db.VarChar()
email String @db.VarChar(255)
create_user User? @relation(name: "create_user", fields: [created_by], references: [id])
created_by Int? @db.Integer()
update_user User? @relation(name: "update_user", fields: [updated_by], references: [id])
updated_by Int? @db.Integer()
confirmed_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp()
created_at DateTime @default(now())
updated_at DateTime @updatedAt
deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp()
created_users User[] @relation("create_user")
updated_users User[] @relation("update_user")


Here we need to configure output = “./generated/client1” the generator. By default, if we need to access the User table then we need to call it from ‘@prisma/client’. Since we configured output we need to call the User table from the generated folder.

import { User } from 'prisma/generated/client1';

Configure Schema2.prisma

// schema2.prisma

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
output = "./generated/client2"

datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("READ_DATABASE_URL")

model User {
name String @unique() @db.VarChar()
password_hash String? @db.VarChar()
creation_ts Int @db.Integer()
admin Int? @default(0) @db.Integer()
upgrade_ts Int? @db.Integer()
is_guest Int? @default(0) @db.Integer()
appservice_id Int? @db.Integer()
consent_version Int? @db.Integer()
consent_server_notice_sent String? @db.VarChar()
user_type String? @db.VarChar()
deactivated Int? @default(0) @db.Integer()
shadow_banned Boolean? @db.Boolean()
consent_ts Int? @db.Integer()
approved String? @db.VarChar()


Now configured schema2.prisma — Which is my second DB. It is readable only.

If we need to call the user table schema2.prismawe need to call the following.

import { User } from 'prisma/generated/client2';

Run the migration

$ npx prisma migrate dev --schema=./prisma/schema1.prisma

For running migrate dev, we need to give — schema=./prisma/schema1.prisma . It run the first database migration only.

Run the application

Now we can run the application usingnpm run start:dev. Now we will face the following error.

NestJS: Error: Cannot find module './generated/client1'

We face this error, because by default, in nestjs project the dist folder will have the prisma/seeders folder but it does not have a prisma/generated folder. In that case, we can manually copy-pas the prisma/generated folder to dist the folder.

For this, we can give a solution in two ways.

The first approach, we need to update the file. Then we need to copy-paste prisma/generated to under the dist folder. Whenever we run the application it recreates entirely newdist so existing things will be removed.

"extends": "./tsconfig.json",
"exclude": ["node_modules", "test", "dist", "**/*spec.ts"],
"assets": ["prisma/generated"],
"watchAssets": true

We need to add this line “assets”: [“prisma/generated”], along with the existing configuration. Then thegenerated folder always persists under the dist folder.

Note: Whenever schema1.prisma or schema2.prisma updated, we need to copy the prisma/generated folder and paste it under the dist folder. Look at the below example.

In the second approach, we need to install cpx — it is the plugin for copying files.

Install cpx

$ npm install cpx

Then update the package.json file as follows.

  "scripts": {
"build": "nest build",
"copy:prisma": "cpx 'prisma/generated/**' 'dist/prisma/generated'",
"start": "npm run copy:prisma && nest start",
"start:dev": "npm run copy:prisma && nest start --watch"

Now it will copy-paste the generated folder from prisma the folder to dist/prisma folder. It will resolve the issue. Now we can run the application without any issue.

Sample output:



Edison Devadoss

Software developer / JavaScript / React / React Native / Firebase / Node.js / C Programming / Book Reader