My First Project: Linguasphere

Yavuz Ugurtas
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2020

Linguasphere is a language learning platform that aims to connect newcomers and companies*

In March 2020, we were about to graduate from 8 months intensive web development course in Brussels (Hack Your Future Belgium). Before saying goodbye to our volunteer coaches and classmates, we had to finish our final assignment. It was going to be my first project in web development, and we needed to work remotely which was also a new thing for me. I love challenges, maybe it is the right word to describe my life. Thus, the challenge was accepted. I worked as a UX designer in a 4 people-team. Our duty was simple, finding a new idea and building it. I came up with the Linguasphere. ( I have lots of new app ideas all the time. I hope one day I'll be able to create something for real.) So, our project was part of our curriculum and it was just for us to experience how the business works.

Linguasphere is a language learning platform that aims to connect newcomers and organizations. Our target group was mostly immigrants and all language learners that (might have a work background in their homeland) searching for jobs here in Belgium. We aimed to meet the employers who in need of a volunteer with language learners who want to start their life in a new country. It is simply a platform that helps language learners to find a place to work voluntarily and speak the language. We believed that the most effective way of learning a language is being part of the atmosphere.

  • User research

Since I am a former journalist, the research part is one of the most exciting aspects of UX design for me. I am very familiar with the concept. Trying to understand customer needs, making interviews with potential users, preparing questions and surveys were my duties. We simply used Google Documents to decide our functions and user stories.

  • Product Design

The idea was mine, so I have already decided on the name. I have created the logo in light of my teammates' suggestions. Canva and Adobe Illustrator helped me a lot. We asked Pinterest to decide our color palette.

linguasphere logo
  • Wireframes

This was the part I have spent my hours and where I struggled. I tried to read and watch everything I find. I have met new terms like wireframes, user interface, and prototypes. I discovered Adobe XD and Figma during the process. I have spent too many papers for our first draft. I have learned a lot by doing self-study and asking my coaches. Finally, I got the impression that one day I can be a UX designer.

I have prepared wireframes and prototypes for the Linguasphere by using AdobeXD.
  • Launch

As I said before, we worked remotely and launched it online. It was also our graduation ceremony. /*tears*/ I have prepared a video explaining our project briefly.

*Linguasphere is an open-source project and it is still a work in progress. If you would like to contribute please reach out.

