Ouspensky’s Letters— A Most Remarkable Man Witnesses the Rise of Soviet Communism

Jeff Suwak
Appleknocker Radio
Published in
9 min readApr 19, 2024


Image borrowed from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Letters-Russia-1919-Ouspensky-1978-11-09/dp/B01N1EYW7X

As revolution tore across Russia in the year 1919, a most remarkable man remained trapped within the nation’s borders, helplessly watching the events unfold with a unique set of eyes. Where others saw mere politics and military tactics, this man saw something deeper — something more primeval, something more diabolical, something more spiritual, even.

His name was Peter D. Ouspensky, and he was no ordinary gentleman.

Thankfully, we have some of the letters that Ouspensky wrote during the period. Routeledge & Kegan Paul collected and published them in 1978 under the title Letters From Russia 1919. The events of that place and time are well-known today, but not in the particular way that Ouspensky saw them.

How much of Ouspensky’s perception can be explained away as mere delusions of a brilliant but bizarre mind, and how much hints at a reality that normal people simply aren’t cognitively equipped to see?

The question is fascinating, and the answer may be something profoundly significant — not only to history, but to today.

Perhaps, especially to today.

The Man, Ouspenksy

