8 Last-Minute DIY Halloween Costumes

Yay Lunch
Food for Thought
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2021

POV: It’s the night before Halloween, and you totally forgot about costumes this year, what do you do?! Don’t panic. Read this blog for easy homemade costume ideas of course! Here are 8 costumes you can make from pieces that you already have in your house.

1. Men in Black

It’s time to dust off your tux that’s been hiding in the back of you and your kid’s closet. Throw on some black shades, and you’re good to go.

2. Make lemonade!

We’ve all heard the saying “when life gives you lemons… make lemonade” but for Halloween, your child can embody this saying with just two simple costume additions. Take an old yellow shirt and write “life” on it. Then grab a couple of lemons to finish off the costume. Bonus points if you bring lemonade to the party.

3. M&M

Be your favorite candy this Halloween! Take a colored shirt then tape a big white M on it. Coordinate with your buddies on which M&M you will be so you can match.

4. Baby from Dirty Dancing

Nobody puts Baby in the corner! You probably have a pair of jean shorts and a pink tank top of some sort lying around already. Throw on some white sneakers and curl your hair. Complete the look with a watermelon!

5. Grapes

A lunchtime classic and takes under 5 minutes to create. Grab purple balloons and have the family pitch in on blowing them up. Once tied, tape the balloons all-around your child. Then add a green hat to keep your kid cozy and in costume this Halloween.

6. Pigs in a blanket​​

Your kids can now be their favorite appetizer this Halloween. Take a pink shirt + draw a pig nose on paper and attach it to a string to fit around their head or buy a pig ears and nose set. Wrap them up in a blanket and there you have it.

7. Popcorn

The perfect costume to see your favorite Halloween movie in.

  1. Take a box and cut off the flaps.
  2. Cut strips of red and white craft paper and glue them around the box in a stripe pattern.
  3. Tape a popcorn sign to the front of the box. (or write it on, we won’t tell anyone!)
  4. Crumple yellow and white tissue paper to ball up into popcorn and tape them around the sides of the box at the top.
  5. Lastly, take two pieces of long black duct tape and put them together to make one strap. Do the same for another strap, then tape it to the front and back of the box to act as suspenders. Looks good enough to eat!

8. Ghost

Everyone’s favorite lazy Halloween costume… the ghost. You know the drill: grab a sheet, and cut eye holes and a mouth hole to get ready to say boo!



Yay Lunch
Food for Thought

Providing healthy, kid-friendly lunches delivered directly to schools.