What is UI and UX
UI and UX are two terms used in product, app and web design. They work closely together and both of them are important elements of design. People usually confuse about these terms but I am going to explain it simply.
User Interface (UI)
User Interface is the visual part of a digital product. The screen, icons, buttons, colors and all other visible and also audible things.
UI designers analyse customers feedback and aim to create user-friendly interfaces for users. The product should be understandable easily for its purpose.
The interface should be carefully consider each and every visual, interactive element the user might encounter. There shouldn’t be any useless element, like button, and it should be look nice.
User Experience (UX)
User experience is given in its name. The experience user gains when interact with the product.
UX designers understand the needs of their target audience. They do analysis and try to upgrade their product in direction of users feedback.
The product should do its purpose easily to give better experience to user.
Differences and relations between UI and UX
Simply, UI is the part user sees and UX is the part user experience while using the product. Although they seem so different they work with together. A product with perfect UX and a bad UI will cause a bad user experience.
To simplify this, think about a cake. It has a delicious look and most of the people want to eat the cake. This is like UI and this means the cake has a good UI. But there is something wrong with the cake, it tastes bad. All the people who eat does not like it. This is the UX part. Users did not like the purpose of cake. Also the cake could be delicious but have a bad look and people still wouldn’t want to eat it.
UI and UX should work together to make the perfect product for their users.
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