ZOM — Complete Decentralization and BSC Integration

ZOM Team
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2021


Hello! If you are new to ZOM then you can start right here. I will give you all the basic and important information.

What is ZOM? ZOM is a digital currency that is focused on health.

What inspired ZOM to be created? The untimely death of colleagues due to medical mishaps or oversight.

The mission is to provide everyone with health services that are easily accessible and accountable.

The vision? To see everyone no matter where they live have access to quality health services.

How do we see ZOM working to make the mission and vision a reality? ZOM will act as the co-pay of any insurance policy. What does that mean? Generally speaking, when you have an insurance policy it doesn’t cover all your costs but part of it. Example: If the insurance policy you have now covered 70%, ZOM should cover the remaining 30% that you would normally pay — that is called the co-pay. On top of that because this will be on the blockchain and on a ledger it will guarantee accessibility and accountability.

ZOM Economics

Current Supply — 15+ million

ZOMs generated — 2.5 ZOM every 15 seconds

Burn — 5% for every ZOM that is moved on ETH chain.

Distribution: All ZOMs will be distributed none will be held by creators. The following is how distribution will take place.

50% burned

35% initial purchasers

15% airdropped by using the invitation program (coming soon)

DeFi Mechanism

90% to all stakers

10% to designated address — Phase 1 — airdropped to BSC Holders, Phase 2 — TBD

BSC Integration

Eth transactions have become expensive. To monitor cost and aid easy distribution on a shoestring budget we have decided that making ZOM a BEP-20 token is a good way forward.


The ETH version will always be there. You can move the currency across the chains as much as you like.

Full Decentralization

ZOM is not likely to succeed if it is tethered to a company or central figure. In fact, it would be contradictory to the philosophy of making health services accessible for everyone. ZOM will be used by our company Osler (Osler.io) which is a platform for healthcare providers, that is enough to demonstrate what ZOM can and should be. While we have started the process we don’t want to own the entire process. It just doesn’t work well for us or anyone else invested emotionally or financially. Over time, the community will continue to grow and make the decisions, not the creators. We are just here to oversee the initial development.

Road Map*

The Road Map as it relates to our contribution to ZOM is as follows:

May 14 — ZOM announcement and details for full Decentralization and BSC Integration (We have just done this)

May 24 — ZOM BSC integration release and Pancake Swap Listing

June 14 — Promotional Airdrop on BSC and any clerical modifications on CoinGecko, CMC.

June 28 — Bakery Swap, Burger Swap Listing, and Invitation Website by ZOM creators

July 12 — ZOM burn of 12.5% of initial supply and Community Growth

July 26 — Interviews, AMA and Public Relations

August 9 — Health Services NFT Displays

Keep in mind that this Road Map may have milestones added, removed, or modified. The dates are not fixed and some things could be done earlier whereas others could be done later.

Additional dates to be added after August 9. We can’t add them now as we have to see what happens first and make the adjustments accordingly.*

Final Thoughts

The healthcare space is a very challenging one. Therefore, ZOM will be as successful as the community makes it to be. As we transition to complete decentralization we will do our part in getting ZOM integrated with as many healthcare service providers as possible so that everyone can have better accessibility and accountability everywhere.

See something you think ZOM will benefit from? Just go ahead and make it happen. This project belongs to everyone involved.


Telegram: Community — https://t.me/ZOM_Official, Announcements — https://t.me/ZOM_Announcements

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/zom/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/zomhealth

