ZOM Open Letter : Official

Sanjé Witter
Published in
8 min readJul 15, 2019

The Beginning

First, I would like to say thank you to those who have continued to support Yazom over the years and those who became supporters through our cryptocurrency initiative. What we have achieved and what we continue to create and deliver would not be possible without the Great One, the team at Yazom, the investors (equity and retail) and the customers.

Yazom was inspired by the death of a friend as a result of a brain tumour at the age of 27. He was diagnosed just a year after taking the reins at one of the largest media companies in Jamaica and the Caribbean. It is our belief that had he kept abreast of his health and wellness whilst also soliciting multiple opinions for his initial symptoms then the result could have been different. However, healthcare does that to most people — they do not act because of fear and stigma. Once healthcare becomes the focus of a person’s life then it is automatically assumed that they have found themselves in a predicament. Truly, this should not be so, health should be attended to no less than food. You don’t always eat when you are hungry but sometimes you do so because you enjoy it. This is Yazom’s mission for health and wellness to make it cool and enjoyable — like Nike to sports. If you think ‘Yazom’ and your first impression is that it’s not for you then we are not doing something right. It is for everyone regardless of age, gender, class and creed. Yazom wants to make health and wellness an integral part of your daily life.

The Early Days and The Discovery

Yazom has been around since 2014 and the primary focus was on getting our medical application into the hands of as many medical doctors as possible. This seemed like a pretty good idea and our competitors were taking this approach. We got the required traction to onboard doctors but not the required change we so dearly sought. We have always said that if the everyday consumer/user does not see the need to have our app on their devices instead of one of the many social media apps that pretty much all do similar things then we are not accomplishing our goal. Alas! We found the problem as to why healthcare, health, wellness or whatever name you choose to append is struggling for scalability. It wasn’t the technology but the execution of it and its relevance to consumers in a constant and meaningful way.

Mobile Applications: Yazom and Yazom Care

At our office, we have decided to break Yazom’s mobile application into two distinct areas similar to Facebook and Facebook Messenger. We call them ‘Yazom’ and ‘Yazom Care’.

Yazom will be utilized daily by consumers for setting and accomplishing health and wellness goals and they can interact with friends, family and colleagues while doing so.

Preview of Yazom Mobile Home Screen (Beta)

Yazom Care will provide an avenue for consumer and healthcare provider interaction. This means if you require the services of a medical doctor or a pharmacist then Yazom Care should be your “go to app”.

Preview of Yazom Care — Here you can see your list of Doctors vs All Doctors (Beta)

*Yazom and Yazom Care will both be equipped with ZOM cryptocurrency wallets.

Release Date: Q4 2019

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: The Purpose of ZOM

ZOM is the blockchain complement of Yazom. Its principal purpose is to provide users of Yazom with an alternative to insurance — yes, you read correctly. It is an alternative to insurance. ZOM essentially through the laws of supply and demand along with its inflationary nature through ‘staking’ and its deflationary nature through ‘burning’ provides a balance for a store of value whilst still remaining useful within the ecosystem. All Yazom products are pegged to fiat money and not to ZOM. ZOM is utilized to access specific services at discounted rates in a similar fashion as you would utilize health insurance for specific benefits. The difference is that as the usage of ZOM increases, the value should (theoretically) increase . Transactions are stored on the blockchain resulting in a tamper proof process thereby preventing fraud — an area that is of great concern in the current climate of healthcare. However, beyond ZOM’s primary purpose are several layers of benefits that occur under two stages of development with the moniker: ZOM Silver Edition and ZOM Gold Edition.

ZOM Silver and Gold Edition

ZOM is a cryptocurrency used for health and wellness coverage. ZOM is designed to provide consumers with access to health and wellness services at discounted rates ranging from 5%-15%.

The characteristics of ZOM:

  1. ZOM Initial Supply — 50,000,000
  2. ZOM Circulating Supply — 46,000,000
  3. ZOM is designed with a combination of inflationary and deflationary concept.
  4. ZOM inflationary concept — Approximately 5% per annum on average through staking.
  5. ZOM deflationary concept — A 25%-50% burn of transactional purchases.

ZOM Silver Edition — This is our way of exploring and testing what gains traction and what does not from an adoption perspective AND what is feasible and what is not from a product perspective.

A list of ZOM Silver Edition current proposed offerings:


ZOMs will be used to purchase PASSES for a set period. Think of this the same way you pay daily for a stay at a vacation rental whether it be a hotel or some other means of accommodation. You will be able to purchase a PASS at a daily rate in order to receive the benefit of a 5%-15% discount on prescriptions and doctor visits until expiration. A variety of PASSES will be offered to accommodate various income levels and as such discounts will be offered in increments of 5%, 10% and 15%. It is dependent on the PASS purchased. PASSES will be pegged to FIAT (regular daily currency) in order to mitigate volatility. However, you will need ZOMs to purchase them.

(50% of ZOMs used as payment will be burnt — Deflationary Concept)

-Doctor Visits and Pharmacy Visits-

Smart Contracts designed to ensure you receive your 5%-15% discounts when you visit a doctor or pharmacy. You must have a PASS in order for this to apply to you. No PASS, No discounts.

-Event Contribution-

ZOMs will be used for fundraising events that are wellness driven such as: 5k Run and Walk Marathons.

(25% of ZOMs will be burnt — Deflationary Concept)

-Sandbox Testing-

As we explore new offerings for ZOM we will be deploying various smart contracts to test their feasibility before they go to market. Selected users of ZOM will be invited to provide feedback. You may qualify for selection through one of two instances:

  1. Own greater than 50,000 ZOMs
  2. Weekly transactions of ZOMs

The Sandbox Testing is the basis on which ZOM Silver Edition will constantly evolve and ultimately serve as the cornerstone for the creation of ZOM Gold Edition.

Release Date: Q4 2019

ZOM Gold Edition — This is the introduction of the ZOM Blockchain that will be specially developed to facilitate the health and wellness ecosystem. Some features that will be included are:

  1. All the features of ZOM Silver Edition
  2. Users will be able to share their medical records with multiple medical professionals.
  3. Decentralized Applications created on the ZOM Blockchain with a focus on health and wellness.

Release Date: 2021

Exchanges: Centralized and Decentralized

In the world of cryptocurrencies as many already know — the most practical movement thus far when there is no need for usage of said currencies within the ecosystem is through exchanges.
ZOM has made listing a priority on centralized and decentralized exchanges. The first listing should take place by the end of Summer.

Release Date: September 1, 2019

Marketing: The Channels

One of the most talked about aspects of cryptocurrency projects is the ability to market. The oversight though is that most “working products” have not been tested. Ask yourselves the following questions about the cryptocurrency that you are holding:

  1. Are you using it?
  2. If so, what are you using it for?
  3. Does it serve any purpose outside of its technological base? That is, are you only staking it?

There lies the problem. It is not been utilized actively and as such your perception of its value is also — a lie.

ZOM is taking a different approach to marketing by ensuring that consumers are utilizing the actual product so as to understand the necessity of acquiring and dispersing ZOMs. In other words, Yazom and Yazom Care users will be able to use ZOMs within the ecosystem in order to access services that would have otherwise not been possible. While we shall not go into detail with our marketing strategy and tactics we can reveal our marketing channels. Yazom will focus on the following channels: Conventional PR, Unconventional PR and Affiliate Marketing. We believe that these channels will effectively market Yazom and ZOM in tandem in order to effectively scale and achieve rapid growth.

Release Date: September 2019

Partnerships: Local and Regional

Currently, Yazom has NDAs in place with several organizations. These organizations are not limited to healthcare and include hotel resorts, financial institutions and conglomerates with local and regional influence within the Caribbean — home to 44.42 million people. For reference Canada and California have a total population of 37.06 million and 39.56 million respectively. Partnership announcements are scheduled to begin in the final quarter of 2019.

Release Date: Q4 2019

Expansion: Caribbean Islands

Expansion into new territories begin Q4 2019 with initial focus on Haiti and Dominican Republic.

Release Date: Q4 2019 (One quarter ahead of proposed map below)

Proposed Road Map for Yazom and Zom Expansion

Final Note

Yazom began with a mission to make health and wellness ‘cool’ and appealing to consumers such that it acquires some ‘real estate’ on your device. Most devices contain several apps related to socializing, payment, transportation and accommodation. Yazom is dedicated to ensuring that a health and wellness app makes that list. ZOM is the reassurance that you will be rewarded in times of need.

The aim is to ensure that everyone prioritizes health and wellness without the stigmatization through the setting and achieving of goals with friends and colleagues with the Yazom Mobile App whilst being supported by Yazom Care when the need arises with ZOM to offset and mitigate expenses as well as verify and validate documentation.

Yazom is here to create and set a standard. Until we have achieved a stature in which everyone believes Yazom and its services are a ‘must have’ — we have not achieved the goal. A world where health and wellness is welcomed by everyone on a daily basis is a world worth creating and maintaining. We do not offer insurance, we are the insurance.



Sanjé Witter
Editor for

[Health through tech] [Takes corrections] [Learns quickly] [I do my best]