Parallel EVM+ Driven: Exploring Infinite Scalability and Large-Scale Application Implementation in Blockchain

YBB Capital
Published in
10 min readApr 28, 2024

Author: YBB Capital Researcher Ac-Core


EVM+ is an advanced paradigm specifically designed to push the evolution of the Ethereum Virtual Machine to better adapt to the rapidly changing crypto landscape. This model integrates innovations and productivity from Web2 into Web3, with actual technologies like artificial intelligence, DePIN, and DeFi security rapidly being integrated into crypto applications. EVM+ offers a novel solution that not only fosters the development of large-scale applications but also accelerates the integration of cryptocurrencies with mainstream applications by seamlessly integrating EVM assets, protocols, and infrastructure. It enhances blockchain scalability by implementing EVM+WASM native chain extensions and optimizes blockchain processing capabilities by supporting parallel EVM execution.

As explained by Techandtips123, parallel EVM is akin to assigning roles during a party preparation. Imagine you need to prepare for a move and assign specific tasks: A transports large items, B handles valuable goods, C is in charge of moving items, and D organizes the hygiene layout at the new site. This division allows four people to complete the work more efficiently and quickly.

Similarly, the concept of parallel EVM involves distributing computational tasks among multiple execution units. In the Ethereum network, many participants process different transactions simultaneously, each transaction being like an independent task, such as transfers or creating new tokens. Each participant independently handles a task on the EVM, much like running separate computer programs on the blockchain. Once completed, the results of these tasks are consolidated back into the network to form the final block. When a single executor cannot independently handle a large volume of transactions, the speed decreases, and usability suffers. The introduction of parallel EVM addresses this issue by allowing multiple executors to process different transactions simultaneously, enabling the network to handle more transactions faster, reducing congestion and associated costs.

The Concept of Introducing New “Layers”

Source: Artela — From EVM+ to EVM++

Vitalik Buterin noted, “L2 is for scaling, L3 for custom functionality, such as privacy. In this vision, no one is attempting to provide ‘scalability squared’; instead, the stack includes a layer to help applications scale and another layer to meet the customized functionality needs of different use cases.”

In Vitalik’s vision for Ethereum, the layer addressing non-scalability needs clearly plays a crucial role. His viewpoint underscores the necessity for blockchain networks to support “custom functionalities.” For Ethereum, meeting this demand might involve establishing a new layer, while Artela proposes adding “native extensions” on top of the foundational layer.

In terms of blockchain, functionality refers to the capacity to support various applications. The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), as the runtime engine that supports smart contracts, has been the mainstream model for creating DApps and implementing functionality. Initially proposed by Ethereum, EVM is now adopted by many smart contract chains, often referred to as EVM-compatible or EVM-equivalent chains. However, the current EVM has been proven limited in supporting the extended functionalities of DApps. The key challenge is how to expand the functionality boundaries within EVM chains. There are two practical directions for improvement:

  1. Replacing EVM with better virtual machines
  2. Enhancing EVM through supplemental extensions

The first approach circumvents EVM’s limitations but requires abandoning EVM-based smart contracts. MoveVM and FuelVM are examples of this implementation style. While more advanced virtual machines may be needed in the future, they require a considerable amount of time to reach the same maturity and prevalence as EVM.

The second approach involves introducing a new stack to enhance EVM through “extensions.” The purpose here is to push the functional limits of EVM beyond its original specification while maintaining EVM equivalence. This method enhances the capabilities of DApps on top of the existing EVM infrastructure. Exploring EVM enhancement opens the door to exciting possibilities and continuous innovation in DApp functionality, bringing significant emerging innovations.


EVM+ in the Artela Network

Artela’s mission is to create a foundational layer blockchain network to meet the growing demand for large-scale decentralized applications. Artela’s innovative design allows developers to create native extensions on top of the blockchain base layer in a modular fashion, enhancing the programmability of the blockchain. This approach will enable developers to implement custom functionalities in a lightweight and dynamic manner, opening doors to faster innovation and more possibilities.

Artela has an extension layer that allows the addition of native, user-defined extension modules called Aspects, which enhance programmability while ensuring compatibility with existing EVM smart contracts. Aspects allow developers to inject additional logic throughout the entire transaction lifecycle beyond smart contracts to manage transactions and related blocks.

Artela has established a highly scalable EVM+ network, introducing WASM virtual machines that are compatible with the EVM network through Aspect programming (see extension link 1). These virtual machines can interoperate, allowing for the dynamic addition and execution of on-chain extension programs. EVM+ enables developers to build high-performance protocols, modular DApps, and customize underlying functionalities for specific scenarios.

Source: Official Artela

During the DevNet and Public Testnet phases, Artela collaborated with community developers to explore the potential of the EVM+ network, leading to imaginative use cases:

· Utilizing WASM as an on-chain co-processor to facilitate the execution of artificial intelligence agent algorithms and other high-performance modules directly on the blockchain, while ensuring seamless interoperability with the EVM system;

· Participation of autonomous world on-chain artificial intelligence agents, enabling truly programmable on-chain NPCs that can interact with users;

· Optional real-time execution of on-chain security modules, allowing DeFi protocols to instantly recognize and mitigate suspicious transactions.

A new era is on the horizon, one that fully realizes on-chain protocols, artificial intelligence, and secure DeFi while maintaining compatibility and interoperability with the EVM world.

From EVM+ to EVM++

Artela’s vision is to establish a boundlessly scalable network, where EVM+ is not the final goal but rather a starting point. Artela’s next step is EVM++, a parallel network to EVM+ designed to fully unleash the potential of scalable blockchain technology. EVM+ has unlocked the scalability of EVM, aiming to adapt to the new world of cryptocurrency where Web2 productivity and innovation, along with practical technologies like artificial intelligence, DePIN, and FinTech security, are rapidly integrating into DApps. EVM++ extends the scalability of EVM, enabling this highly creative network to further promote the large-scale adoption of DApps and accelerate the integration of cryptocurrencies with mainstream applications.

EVM++ Parallel Elastic EVM Network

Artela’s parallel EVM++ implementation will occur in two phases.

The first phase involves parallel transaction execution under EVM+. Artela’s network not only achieves basic parallel EVM execution but also addresses the challenges of parallel execution under EVM+ Aspects, which are extensions running on WASM virtual machines that can be invoked during the transaction lifecycle.

In the second phase, Artela will utilize the parallel capabilities combined with elastic computing to achieve elastic block space, a dynamic mechanism that allows DApps to maximize the benefits of parallel execution.

Parallel EVM Overview

Artela’s horizontally scalable architecture is designed around parallel execution, ensuring the scalability of network node computing power through elastic computing to ultimately achieve elastic block space.

· Parallel Execution: Transactions on Artela can be executed in parallel. The Artela network groups transactions for parallel execution based on transaction dependency conflict analysis;

· Elastic Computing: Validator nodes support horizontal scaling, and the network automatically adjusts the computation nodes of validators based on current network load or subscription conditions. The scaling process is coordinated by an elasticity protocol to ensure an adequate number of elastic computing nodes in the consensus network;

· Elastic Block Space: Based on elastic computing, in addition to expanding public block space, large DApps requiring independent block space can apply for dedicated elastic block space within the network.

“Elastic Block Space”

Elastic block space refers to dynamically expandable block space that provides dedicated block space with protocol assurance for DApps requiring high transaction throughput. By default, the capacity of public block space in blocks is limited. When a DApp applies for independent block space, the block adds extra space that only accommodates transactions related to the DApp’s smart contracts. As block space expands, validators need to increase elastic execution nodes to expand corresponding processing capabilities.

Elastic block space is a blockchain expansion mechanism that allows for infinite scaling while maintaining interoperability. Scalable networks such as sharded blockchains, application chain networks, and Layer2s can also provide independent block space, but isolation and block generation are asynchronous. Elastic block space allows DApps with independent block spaces to interact synchronously through atomic transactions in the same block, avoiding the need for asynchronous cross-chain communication.

When a DApp in the Artela network requires high scalability, it can subscribe to elastic block space to handle increased throughput. Elastic block space and native extensions provide scalability and customization features for DApps in Artela.

Enhancing DApp Functionality with Native Extensions in Artela

Through Aspect programming, developers are empowered to create native extensions (see extended link 2) that integrate custom functionalities on top of all blockchain base layers, combining these with existing EVM smart contracts to enhance DApp capabilities.

Source: Joshua Esin

1. Enhanced Scalability: One of the advantages of Aspect programming in Artela is its unparalleled scalability. Traditional smart contracts often face limitations when modifying or extending functionalities. Artela’s Aspect programming overcomes these barriers by providing a modular and scalable framework. Developers can seamlessly expand the functionalities of existing contracts without altering their core logic, paving the way for more agile and scalable dApp development.

2. Increased Security: In the ever-evolving field of blockchain security, Artela’s Aspect Programming introduces a paradigm shift. Unlike traditional white-box security measures, Aspect programming offers a complementary black-box security solution. Real-time monitoring, proactive risk mitigation, and runtime behavior analysis help establish a robust security framework, preventing vulnerabilities and ensuring protocol continuity.

3. On-chain Intent Solver: Artela’s Aspect Programming introduces the revolutionary concept of an on-chain intent solver. Traditionally, users had to specify detailed function calls to execute transactions. With the on-chain intent solver, users can express their desired outcomes in human-readable language, providing a more intuitive and customizable experience. For example, a user could specify their intent as “exchange X ETH for Y USDC,” eliminating the need for complex function calls.

4. Just-In-Time (JIT) Operations: JIT operations, a powerful concept widely applied across various scenarios, gain flexibility through Artela’s Aspect Programming. Executing on-chain logic within the blockchain lifecycle and combining it with smart contracts in atomic transactions enables possibilities for JIT settlements, JIT liquidity pool management, and MEV capture strategies in AMM frameworks.

5. Native Event-Driven Actions: Native event-driven operations in Artela allow users to subscribe to real-time on-chain events, triggering atomic tasks. This functionality helps maintain consistency between on-chain and off-chain states, enables asynchronous cross-chain message notifications, and enhances blockchain automation.

6. Omnichain Gaming: Artela’s Aspect Programming extends its influence to the gaming sector, providing developers tools to enhance the programmability of in-game assets. With Artela, game equipment NFTs can be upgraded through programmability, pioneering a new era of multifunctional user experiences within the gaming ecosystem.

7. OnChain MicroServices: Artela enables the creation of public on-chain services within the blockchain network, fostering collective maintenance and governance by different users and organizations. This model promotes resource sharing, collaborative innovation, and reduces developmental barriers, aiding the growth of the decentralized finance ecosystem.

Artela’s programming model introduces a built-in “functionality layer” to the blockchain network, eliminating the need for third-party networks or complex off-chain systems. This functionality layer expands the native capabilities of the base layer, including security measures, custodian functions, automation, and off-chain synchronization. The integration of this functionality layer marks a leap in protocol development and user experience in decentralized networks.


The foundational technology of Web3 is the public blockchain, first introduced to the world through Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin network and later greatly expanded in functionality by smart contract platforms like Ethereum. Some view blockchain as a decentralized data network, essentially a distributed ledger technology. However, it is much more than just about data.

Blockchain is more akin to a computer rather than just a ledger or database. The challenge we face today is how to design a better computer. The Artela blockchain is built on the Cosmos SDK with many improvements at the engine level. Moreover, Artela is compatible with the EVM and innovates by introducing Aspect Programming to enable on-chain expansion. In addition to the EVM, Artela has also added a second virtual machine based on WASM to support multiple programming languages (AssemblyScript, Rust, C, C++) and access more on-chain resources. Thus, the EVM is suitable for general smart contracts, while the Aspect VM is used for specific application extensions.

About YBB

YBB is a web3 fund dedicating itself to identify Web3-defining projects with a vision to create a better online habitat for all internet residents. Founded by a group of blockchain believers who have been actively participated in this industry since 2013, YBB is always willing to help early-stage projects to evolve from 0 to 1.We value innovation, self-driven passion, and user-oriented products while recognizing the potential of cryptos and blockchain applications.

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