Students Add Community Pride

Victoria Cox

Kendra Jones
YCS Media
1 min readMar 4, 2018


A York College student is leaving her mark on York City, starting with The Jackson School. Victoria Cox, a sophomore Eisenhart Scholar, is working to coordinate a volunteer task force that will be painting murals inside the York City Elementary School.

Last fall, Cox attended several meetings with the principal and vice principal of the Jackson School to begin planning projects. Murals were something that was established as a high priority by the school administration.

The Jackson School provides for their students beyond academics, sending students in need home with non-perishable food and creating extensive after school programs. The school felt as though the Jackson School Pride was something that could be improved. Throughout the semester, groups of York College students will be painting several murals throughout the school to create Jackson Pride.

The first mural began on February 12 and was a welcome mural featuring the mascot, a bearcat, painted in the main entrance hallway of the school. School administration and students are very excited for the rest of the work that the Eisenhart Scholars plan to do with the school.

