Go to YData
YData is a data-centric platform that democratizes the access to valuable data and allows Data Scientists to build and deploy better AI solutions with high-quality and synthetic data
Note from the editor

YData is a data-centric platform that democratizes the access to valuable data and allows Data Scientists to build and deploy better AI solutions with high-quality and synthetic data

Go to the profile of Gonçalo Martins Ribeiro
Gonçalo Martins Ribeiro
Co-Founder & CEO| YData.ai
Go to the profile of Fabiana Clemente
Fabiana Clemente
Passionate for data. Thriving for the development of data privacy solutions while unlocking new data sources for data scientists at @YData
Go to the profile of YData
Accelerating AI with improved data
Go to the profile of Miriam Santos
Miriam Santos
Data Advocate, PhD, Jack of all trades | Educating towards Data-Centric AI and Data Quality | Fighting for a diverse, inclusive, fair, and transparent AI
Go to the profile of Luísa Silva
Luísa Silva
Economist and marketeer passionate about Fintech, Financial Literacy, Innovation and Employer Branding | FinovateFall Best of Show Winner 19 🏆
Go to the profile of Gonçalo Martins Ribeiro
Gonçalo Martins Ribeiro
Co-Founder & CEO| YData.ai
Go to the profile of YData
Accelerating AI with improved data
Go to the profile of Fabiana Clemente
Go to the profile of Fabiana Clemente
Fabiana Clemente
Passionate for data. Thriving for the development of data privacy solutions while unlocking new data sources for data scientists at @YData
Go to the profile of Duarte Soares
Go to the profile of Luis Portela
Go to the profile of André Vieira
Go to the profile of Paul Dovidavicius
Go to the profile of Marta Matos
Go to the profile of Paul Dovidavicius
Paul Dovidavicius
Ex-non profit founder, ex-diplomat, ex-business consultant, IBM Certified Cybersecurity Analyst currently working on Data Quality and Synthetic Data
Go to the profile of Miriam Santos
Miriam Santos
Data Advocate, PhD, Jack of all trades | Educating towards Data-Centric AI and Data Quality | Fighting for a diverse, inclusive, fair, and transparent AI
Go to the profile of Luísa Silva
Luísa Silva
Economist and marketeer passionate about Fintech, Financial Literacy, Innovation and Employer Branding | FinovateFall Best of Show Winner 19 🏆