One To Watch: Rabbi Matondo

Profiling the former Cardiff City youngster now at Manchester City

Y Ddraig
Y Ddraig
3 min readJan 26, 2017


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Credit: City Watch

A young Welshman currently making waves in Manchester City’s academy is a 16 year old going by the name of Rabbi Matondo. Typically a right winger, the youngster recently made the move from Cardiff City to the Etihad under controversial circumstances, the Mancunian club able to lure him without paying a transfer fee under the EPPP system.

Already an established under 17 international, Matondo possesses huge potential and was reportedly touted as Cardiff’s most promising academy member since the colossal Aaron Ramsey, and his loss will surely be rued by the Bluebirds, but in equal measure this move could be one that really allows the teenager to take off as a footballer, and whilst it could be a selfish move on Matondo’s part, it’s very difficult to blame a fledgling talent for simply seeking to expand his horizons.

Yet, seemingly as ever, it’s apparent that Matondo was born in Liverpool and therefore has dual eligibility, at the very least. While he’s already played for Wales at under-15, under-16 and under-17 level, it’s possible that if England come calling, he wouldn’t say no — his move to Manchester City has already exhibited him as an ambitious footballer, after all. However, it would be unfair to presume that his interests are purely opportunity-based, and perhaps his future lies with the Welsh national team. I, for one, hope so.

Progressing through the youth ranks rapidly, Rabbi Matondo is in the same youth set-up as the likes of the previously-covered Ethan Ampadu and Ben Woodburn, and all three of those names, along with Liam Cullen of Swansea City and Mark Harris from Cardiff City, are reason enough for Welsh football fans to look to the future with hope. While it’s not guaranteed to be the same “Golden Generation” that the Welsh currently have, it remains a hugely exciting setup, and who knows? Maybe last summer was just the benchmark!

By Tomos Knox (@tomosknox)

This article originally appeared in issue 3 of Y Ddraig.

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